13 Reviews:
This is a pretty solid needle game that's above average difficulty. There's an interesting visual going on here, and it looks decent. You can turn it off whenever you want with a single key, so it's never overbearing. It's 12 rooms long, the level designs are pretty good through most of it, and it took me quite a while to push through and clear the game.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 60 60
Jun 1, 2016
Some parts of this were really fun, but a lot of parts were really bad. There's a bunch of v-string luck jumps. The difficulty balancing doesn't exist. About a third of my time in this game was spent on 2 saves. Also really thankful the i button disables the background effect as it makes it horribly difficult to see.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 4.0 40
Difficulty: 65 65
Oct 24, 2021
The first 7 screens were GREAT. The needle was fun and challenging, and almost never annoying. The level design was super interesting and smart. One of my 2 biggest issues were the huge number of jumps in the first half or so of the game that you will literally just die to if you get unlucky and have a bad v-string. V-string dependent drops are not fun. The second big issue was the 32px grid screens. I just didn't have fun with them. I thought some of it was just genuinely obnoxious. I think the game would have benefited from just keeping with the style of the first 7 screens through the entire game.
If you're curious the first 7 screens were around 9/10 and the last 5 were somewhere in the 5/10 region for me.
If you're curious the first 7 screens were around 9/10 and the last 5 were somewhere in the 5/10 region for me.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 7.5 75
Difficulty: 70 70
Jun 21, 2016