8 Reviews:
Nice fangame with two paths, each of which consists of a few screens of platforming followed by an avoidance. The bottom path leads to a gravity inversion stage, where every time you touch a gravity flipper, the screen flips as well: Useful to avoid the confusion gravity inversion usually leads to, but pretty headache-inducing when there are too many flippers around. Not exactly my thing, thankfully it's short. This path leads to a beginner-friendly, slow-paced and enjoyable Luka avoidance whose only fault is its 10 second long intro. The middle path is a needle-ish stage that uses cherries instead of spikes. It's fun, but really short. This path leads to another slow-paced avoidance, but this one is actually relatively difficult (With some really clustered attacks) and decently lengthy (Over 4 minutes long). Nice visuals, the platforming has restarting music, but you most likely won't spend a high percentage of your time in it anyway. The top path still doesn't exist, and probably won't ever be created.
It's a fun game overall. Might have its shortcomings, but none of them ruins it at all. Would recommend.
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It's a fun game overall. Might have its shortcomings, but none of them ruins it at all. Would recommend.
Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 51 51
Jul 13, 2017