I wanna fall into the snow

Creator: infern0man1

Average Rating
7.6 / 10
Average Difficulty
50.8 / 100
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Needle (18)


  • by ElCochran90
  • by AriesAn
  • by AriesAn

58 Reviews:

Pretty fun needle game. Plenty of creative jumps, really nice visuals with a cute snow effect, nice music and a pretty nice design.
That being said, it doesn't work very well as a beginner-oriented game, which seems like it was the idea. It's certainly easier than most of Infern0man's other games, but I'd hardly call it beginner-friendly. You can't really expect a beginner to know how walk-offs are supposed to work beforehand, or how touching the red lines (The ones that give you the good align for the jumps) is supposed to help them. Introducing platform jumps with a tricky jump and without explaining how are platform jumps supposed to work isn't really a good idea either.
Looking away from that aspect, the only other complaint I have is that the snow particles combined with the blood splatter can cause lag on certain computers, and there's no way to turn off the particles or remove the blood splatter or do anything that prevents the lag from happening at all.
Those issues don't really do much harm to the game's quality, though, and while I can't say it works very well as a beginner-friendly needle game, it's certainly pretty good as a normal needle game. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle
[3] Likes
Rating: 8.1 81       Difficulty: 56 56
Jun 23, 2016
Needle game with some solid production value and a healthy amount of screens. The platforming overall flowed well and it just felt fun to play through the 2 times I did. Even though the game never got too challenging it remained interesting with it's variety of jumps on each screen.

Would recommend it highly if you just want some solid needle to play through or a new player looking for something to work on.

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[2] Likes
Rating: 8.3 83       Difficulty: 45 45
Jun 18, 2016
Nice needle game. Gonna say like Cele, don't know why but I didn't like it as everyone seem to love it despite the goods.

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 50 50
Dec 8, 2019
This game just didn't really click with me, I don't really understand why. The visuals and music are great and i like the theme. the jumps themselves aren't really generic or anything, unfortunately still didn't really enjoy them as much as I probably should've.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 55 55
Oct 22, 2019
Solid stuff, I like the visual style and the needle itself is quite good, has that trademark Chatran feel I think. Cool game, both literally and figuratively.

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Rating: 7.3 73       Difficulty: 44 44
Jul 11, 2024