6 Reviews:
This game actually has two different endings (although the end screen is identical), depending on which portal you enter in the first screen. Entering the lower portal to the left sends you through a series of low-difficulty needle screens that make use of single-jump water and ice physics. Entering the top portal sends you through a single, much harder in comparison, plain needle screen. The red blocks kill you - watch out when falling to the first save.
The downside to the harder screen is that there is no save at the beginning, so you must complete the entire first screen again if you die in order to continue along that route.
Difficulty includes "extra".
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The downside to the harder screen is that there is no save at the beginning, so you must complete the entire first screen again if you die in order to continue along that route.
Difficulty includes "extra".
Rating: 4.0 40
Difficulty: 35 35
May 8, 2017