9 Reviews:
3 screens of needle. Some creative jumps mixed with some generic jumps. Some saves are nicely designed, some are as uninspired as a needle save can possibly be. Nice music, low death sound. The tilesets and the background look nice by themselves, but there's so much stuff cramped into a little space that the game ends up looking ugly anyway.
It's not entirely bad, but the bad parts aren't easy to stomach. Would only recommend if you don't have anything else to play.
It's not entirely bad, but the bad parts aren't easy to stomach. Would only recommend if you don't have anything else to play.
Tagged as: Needle
[1] Like
Rating: 5.1 51
Difficulty: 71 71
Sep 26, 2016
I highly recommend this cool needle game.
Very nice BGM, objects, tile sets, all I like!
[0] Likes
Very nice BGM, objects, tile sets, all I like!
Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 74 74
Dec 30, 2016