
Creator: NE'ER

Average Rating
0.5 / 10
Average Difficulty
20.0 / 100
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Needle (1)


  • by tinkopiza

1 Review:

If you ever thought to yourself "Man, I really want to practice generic jumps like diagonals, gates, and single jump bonk spikes, but I somehow don't know what jtool or RMJ is, and I also want to have the jumps be 20 in a row with one save", this is the only situation where you would play this game, since it's bad.

Bonus: Somehow the "first area"(bonk diagonals) and "second area"(bonk diagonals but the other way) are miscoded, so the item for each is in the other one. Additionally the "eight area"(bunch of sideways gates) is somehow miscoded so the item only appears when you are dead, making it unobtainable.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 0.5 5       Difficulty: 20 20
Nov 23, 2016