3 Reviews:
Nice, somewhat short adventure fangame. Features triggers and traps (Generic traps, but they aren't too many, so it's fine), a gimmick that completely changes your jump physics (Single jump, you can jump higher and the gravity is way lower) and a couple sections where you climb ropes and avoid bees. There's also a decent boss at the end that I don't like that much due to its first phase being way easier than the rest of the fight. Pretty nice visuals, nice (Restarting) musics.
There isn't a lot to say about it. It looks nice and it's fun to play. Would recommend.
[0] Likes
There isn't a lot to say about it. It looks nice and it's fun to play. Would recommend.
Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 54 54
Aug 4, 2017