3 Reviews:
A tip for simply submitting the game. You do not need to make a new entry into the wiki just to update your game, just update the link for the old versions instead. The game is much more playable than it was in the first version, but its still pretty bad. The traps are still uninspired and mostly consist of flying spikes and the water is a bit bugged (as well as some blocks which just wont let you stand on them (the bee room). The room selection is better but I had to stop on the shaking and moving screen because you cant even see the right and left of the screen to even do the platforming. There are way to many spikes that fall and its an all around horrible room.
No where near as bad as it was originally, but its still really bad.
No where near as bad as it was originally, but its still really bad.
Tagged as: Medley
[1] Like
Rating: 1.0 10
Difficulty: 45 45
May 16, 2017
It's an alright medley. Nothing great but nothing awful either. Definitely rated too low but doesn't necessarily deserve an amazing score. Overall, if you roll this game or want to play something quick, this game is fine.
Tagged as: Medley
[0] Likes
Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: 40 40
Sep 1, 2023