Five Nights at Fangames'

Creator: sorariku98

Average Rating
6.7 / 10
Average Difficulty
68.8 / 100
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  • by Anonymous
  • by GainStory
  • by GaspacoZanis
  • by GaspacoZanis

6 Reviews:

Doesn't do the best job at explaining each mechanic, so it can be confusing at first, but pretty fun once you understand it.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 69 69
Jun 19, 2017
UPDATE: I HAVE BEATEN THE TRUE FINAL NIGHT!! took me fucking ages but i can have this on my clear list now

This game has a neat concept, and almost great execution. The game is quite fun but the game slowly becomes more and more about RNG. It seems like every enemy is designed to counter a strategy, combining them all together makes it extremely difficult to beat it.
Recommended if you are patient and willing to do RNG-heavy.

Strats I made and how they didn't work. (This is to show how the enemies can REALLY mess you up)
1. Only focused on Cam 3, is efficient because you spend little time in the camera and so everything is reactable, is not good because you can get blown towards the TAS
2. Hugged the wall and only focused on Cam 3, can't die like in 1. but harder to react to Big Kid and TAS can mess you up if you need to move.
3. Focused on Cam's 1 and 3-4, didn't die from TAS but died from Big Kid, Sticky Keys and Solgryn.
4. Focused on every cam with a deactivation, didn't die from things in 3 except Big Kid and Miku

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 70 70
Jun 20, 2017
A fangame based on Five Nights at Freddy's and its actually not bad. The game revolves around the same gimmick as the original games do but obviously in 2d with some differences to make it work. It can get VERY tedious near the end nights, but its a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 70 70
Sep 9, 2017
I really like this concept, and it's pretty fun to play too... up until day 4. This is where the difficulty of the game spikes massively. I wouldn't have an issue with this otherwise, but what kind of turns me off is that it feels RNG-heavy to beat (and I know there is the extra day as well, but I won't comment on that). Would recommend only up to day 3.

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Rating: 5.8 58       Difficulty: 70 70
Jun 20, 2017
t_ WutFace

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Rating: 6.8 68       Difficulty: 65 65
Jun 19, 2017