I wanna be the Chargrilled dish of resurrection

Creator: たつぬ

Average Rating
8.2 / 10
Average Difficulty
81.7 / 100
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Avoidance (2) SourPls (1)


  • by NightShark115

4 Reviews:

Rating is based on all clear.

1. Platforming

There are 2 (actual) maps which are much easier than the main avoidance, I didn't even know that they even exist in this game. So... let's move on?

2. Main Avoidance (じゅーじゅー 焼肉の火からフェニックス!? 〜再誕の†炭火焼き〜)

It was mostly great, but some parts were pretty annoying since some of the RNG attacks were luck based. For example, the curving bullets before the first sphere were really hard to read and I relied on my luck a lot there. Another attack I didn't like was the random before the line-flower thing, I think it's my least favorite attack in the game. Except for those(+α), I loved the chaos pattern styled attacks, two spheres were just amazing. The sync is great, the music is SourPls, a lot of creativity are involved in the game, if you like this kind of avoidance, it's a must play. By the way, you don't need NASA computer, but I'm pretty sure that having too bad computer will make the game lag A LOT.

3. Extra Avoidance (シュガーソングとビターステップ)

It's easy, and fun. Nothing to say more about this to be honest. That's all.

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Rating: 7.8 78       Difficulty: 84 84
Apr 14, 2021

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Tagged as: Avoidance SourPls
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Rating: 8.8 88       Difficulty: 83 83
Jul 19, 2017
So I'm just gonna talk about the avoidance here because the 2 screens of platforming are just alright gameplay wise with the worst visuals you've ever seen in your life. (They also only took me 2 min total)

In contrast, the avoidance is a visual treat and the gameplay is really fun. There's a lot of flashing though so if you're prone to that I recommend staying away. The difficulty of this game is kind of hard to rate, because personally I didn't find it to be that hard, but it took a while due to the sheer amount of finals I had. So to me it was just a game where I had to eventually get lucky on the final attack, and everything before that I didn't struggle with super hard honestly.

The patterns in the game are all really easy. There is one pattern where I had to make my own strat for though because everyone else's was too confusing, and I feel like my strat is way easier personally. I think the only pattern(?) I couldn't get consistently is the 3D part, I couldn't understand how to properly know if I was in the gap or not.

As for the RNG, it's surprisingly consistent too. Even the RNG before the line-flower thing that Blogger mentioned I was able to pass more frequently by just jumping just high enough for the ground bullets to not reach you, and reading the RNG that falls, you can get to the corner in time and survive some nasty RNG most of the time thanks to dot hitbox. My advice for the curving attack is to stay close to the corner and focus on dodging my moving vertically rather than horizontally. (This way, the wacky curving cherries will be above you, so they can no longer be a threat to you)

The main downside is that the game does have a weird bug where the volume gets all messed up sometimes. This bug is fixed in later games that use this engine at least.

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 78 78
Apr 11, 2024
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 7, 2021