4 Reviews:
Rating does not include extra.
50 floors of needle plus another 25 floors of extra if you find all the secrets. The style remains the same throughout the base game, and I'm not sure about extra but I suspect it's no different. There are some truly offensive design decisions, like water tiles pretty much being invisible at times and random-ass colours chosen for different water types. The creator must be infatuated with water d-planes, because this game is riddled with them. As for the platforming style, it's basically just objects scattered haphazardly then strung together with water and vines.
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50 floors of needle plus another 25 floors of extra if you find all the secrets. The style remains the same throughout the base game, and I'm not sure about extra but I suspect it's no different. There are some truly offensive design decisions, like water tiles pretty much being invisible at times and random-ass colours chosen for different water types. The creator must be infatuated with water d-planes, because this game is riddled with them. As for the platforming style, it's basically just objects scattered haphazardly then strung together with water and vines.
Rating: 4.0 40
Difficulty: 65 65
May 15, 2023
Not a terrible game at all. Going into this I thought this game would be another generic needle-fest and while that is true to some extent, the game is actually decent. If you can get over the strange aesthetic and some little minor annoyances, its actually very fun and worth a play. I may be in the minority here but I enjoyed it overall.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 65 65
Mar 18, 2018