Creator's Comments:
4 Reviews:
The needle is decent. There are some fun saves, and a couple weird jumps that I wasn't a huge fan of. It also had the issue where it wasn't sure if it wanted to be a trap game or not, so there were 2 or 3 traps sprinkled throughout randomly. The avoidance is also decent. Not a big fan of the song chosen, but the visuals are nice (especially the background at the start mmmmmm), and there is a good amount of variety in the attacks. I found the ending attacks to be much harder than a lot of the rest, but maybe it's just because I suck at using dotkid in an avoidance (or it was possibly a hitbox issue that genesis1987 fixed). Overall, the game is fun and well-presented.
Would recommend.
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Would recommend.
Rating: 6.1 61
Difficulty: 62 62
Nov 17, 2018