6 Reviews:
This is a good needle game. Some specific jumps are overly precise to where its just annoying, but the needle as a whole is good; not anything amazing, but good nonetheless.
Tagged as: Needle
[3] Likes
Rating: 7.0 70
Difficulty: 56 56
Jul 8, 2018
Easy needle game.
Visuals are nice, but there were so many shortcuts that I thought it was bad .
[1] Like
Visuals are nice, but there were so many shortcuts that I thought it was bad .
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Apr 20, 2020
I hate this game, like really deep. It looks good at the first glance but has some deep problems inside. The game is filled with annoying overprecise jumps and to not help, it uses nikaple engine so with more frame delay. It has also some bugs and visuals problems like vines are bugged or a spike in the last screen doesn't have any sprite. There is an extra even worse and more tedious than the main game.
I also don't understand how ppl can give such low difficulty considering how hard extra is.
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I also don't understand how ppl can give such low difficulty considering how hard extra is.
Rating: 1.3 13
Difficulty: 70 70
Apr 20, 2020