3 Reviews:
Very fun adventure game with some really cool mechanics like dice roll platforming, red coin collecting, gravity/control changing, and spike hitboxes being misaligned from their sprites which makes for some gBrain platforming and traps. For an explanation behind how the pink and green spikes work, pink spike hitboxes are shifted 4 blocks to the left, and green spike hitboxes are shifted 4 blocks to the right. The bosses are okay, nothing special, except for 1 avoidance which was simple yet enjoyable.
Would recommend! Really don't understand what's up with all the joke reviews because this is honestly a very good game overall.
[2] Likes
Would recommend! Really don't understand what's up with all the joke reviews because this is honestly a very good game overall.
Rating: 7.9 79
Difficulty: 58 58
Sep 26, 2019
I don't really like mayonnaise unless it's spicy.
[0] Likes
Rating: 3.5 35
Difficulty: 40 40
Sep 5, 2018