I wanna get the hidden treasure

Creator: ケィ

Average Rating
5.1 / 10
Average Difficulty
34.3 / 100
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Adventure (2) Needle (1) Trap (1) Gimmick (1) Boss (2)


  • by Pigeon
  • by Pigeon
  • by Pyure
  • by Pyure
  • by Pyure
  • by Pyure

3 Reviews:

Pretty linear adventure game with a variety of obstacles.
A few of them have very loose hitboxes though, and since most backgrounds are black, good luck finding their edges (sometimes go through screen borders in final world).

It starts simply on a linear path with a few traps before a mashable boss (harder if one goes the mash way), before setting on a path with puzzlish aspect and gimmickish obstacles.

A maze also exists after another easy boss before a 2 phase boss with some needle because why not.

Final world has (double) screen flip [so inverted left right] before a two phased final boss.
You have to wait before being able to do damage, 6 times.
Although it seemed that phase 1 was straight-forward, phase 2 may have a random number of attacks to dodge before being able to go for damage ?

Game has its ups and downs.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Trap Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 5.1 51       Difficulty: 36 36
Mar 4, 2022
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 35 35
May 19, 2022
Tagged as: Adventure Boss
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Rating: 5.2 52       Difficulty: 32 32
Oct 10, 2018