
Creator: betty

Average Rating
5.9 / 10
Average Difficulty
54.0 / 100
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Needle (1) one_screen (1)


  • by NightShark115

1 Review:

I don't want to write an individual rating on each game's page since they're each just one short screen, so I'll review the series as a whole here.

Games 001 - 009 are all easy needle, and choosing Hard instead of Medium adds more spikes. The exception is game 003, which has 4 mostly empty rooms that you walk between and shoot buttons until the warp is accessible. It's also the only game with unique music.

Game 010 is a boss fight, and choosing a higher difficulty makes the enemies shoot at a faster speed. 011 - 019 are back to needle but add Very Hard and Impossible options, again making the jumps more challenging with additional spikes. 020 is the same as 010 with the attacks slightly altered. 021 and 022 are apparently lost forever, so I didn't get to try those.

I had 2 big issues with the series: The fact that it wasn't packaged as a single game, and the music. Beyond using Restart Rock for every game, games 011 - 019 and 009 go completely silent after you die once. The gameplay itself honestly wasn't that bad. It did feature a lot of generic jumps, but the design was okay, and it was nice having the difficulty options add spikes instead of removing saves. The bosses were nothing special, but they were fairly challenging on Impossible.

Overall, I did enjoy them at times, but I don't really think I'd recommend anyone go out of their way to play them. If it was all packaged in a single .exe, it would at least feel more like a complete experience, but they don't hold up well as standalone games. Rating based on games 001 - 020 with hardest difficulty for each.

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Tagged as: Needle one_screen
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Rating: 5.9 59       Difficulty: 54 54
Feb 4, 2020