3 Reviews:
Based on 100 % clear. Main game was needle for 90 % of time, and it was very mid sort of needle. Final boss was goofy and has fun twists, but man giving boss a 999 HP is not a good thing. Extra was kinda fun, needle was generally better than in main game i'd say and it also has artless but harmless and enjoyable RNG-based avoidance with cool song
Tagged as: Undertale
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Rating: 5.2 52
Difficulty: 56 56
Aug 17, 2024
Somewhat adventure & needle hybrid game with Undertale visuals and mostly having K3 music. The final boss is way too dull featuring boring attacks and it has 999 HP for some reason. There's post game content after the final boss which is better than the main game in my opinion.
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Rating: 4.2 42
Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 10, 2019