15 Reviews:
not bad. not good either. but not bad.
it has good references and good ideas, and i like the attention to detail. but it lacks, like, SOUL :o
in any case, i'll be looking forward to the next efforts by Mr. Fingers here
[4] Likes
it has good references and good ideas, and i like the attention to detail. but it lacks, like, SOUL :o
in any case, i'll be looking forward to the next efforts by Mr. Fingers here
Rating: 5.5 55
Difficulty: 42 42
May 19, 2019
We need more DR songs in fangames
Tagged as: SourPls
[3] Likes
Rating: 5.6 56
Difficulty: 43 43
May 21, 2019
Classic Mr. Butterfingers, up to his old tricks.
A very short and silly sudoku game with some traps and needle. I would rate it 3, but the ending says "uwu" so I'm obligated to bump it up.
[2] Likes
A very short and silly sudoku game with some traps and needle. I would rate it 3, but the ending says "uwu" so I'm obligated to bump it up.
Rating: 3.9 39
Difficulty: 40 40
May 19, 2019
This game lands somewhere in between a Vegetable-style game and a Sudoku game in a very weird way. It doesn't ever really go too far on either end so it ends up being very inoffensive and mostly just a pleasant stroll. The music is probably the highest point of the game. Not sure who I would recommend this to, but it's short and easy, so if you're intrigued then give it a shot.
[1] Like
Rating: 4.0 40
Difficulty: 45 45
May 20, 2019