I Wanna Celebrate Muni's Birthday

Creators: SenorHardcore, EchoMask, Venty

Average Rating
6.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
65.3 / 100
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Needle (2) Gimmick (1) Medley (3) Boss (1)


  • by Wolsk
  • by egg
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by Wolsk
  • by egg
  • by Anonymous

8 Reviews:

When I opened the game and saw the title screen, I thought what most people thought, but I played until the end and I must say, there's some good stuff in this game.

This is a medley, which seems to have lots of stuff reminiscent of the Mokuteki style. Some people would believe that because of this, it would be mostly bad, and while it has some questionable stuff. Most of it goes from ok to good.

In the spoiler tag, I detail a little bit more what I liked and what I didn't like. It's long.

It consists of two medley stages, each with the respective medley boss, and then it has some areas, and the final boss.

The medley stages mostly have ok needle screens, but others have neat gimmicks. Pretty sure there was a miniboss at one point, which is nice. There's like one screen I completely disliked, which I think was from one of Muni's games, which was really dark and had hidden triggers and mostly annoying jumps. Other than that, pretty decent medley stages.

The two medley bosses are fine. The first one is pretty ok, the boss was easy and basically nails the Gustav style. Would have like to see more bosses clashing on it though. The second one does this better, although the second one has some unfair rng sometimes, and the avoidance cutout is really annoying.

Now for the areas:

Venty area: First area you encounter. I didn't like it. It's a Secret 5 style needle screen. I'm up for any joke or reference you want, but while it was easier, some of the jumps felt really annoying, giving you the classic 1 block wide setup where if you bonk while going out of it, you are basically dead. It's also just boring overall. Visuals were fine I guess.

EchoMask area: Awesome area. The visuals are really nice and the needle is fun to do. The miniboss on it is a little bit harder than the rest, because it appears so close to you, but for me, it was fine. Solid area.

Senor area: Mostly corrido-ish needle, but I thought some of it was actually kinda fun. Not much else to say. Visuals were ok and I didn't feel annoyed by any jumps.

Now, the strongest point for me was the final boss. I feel like, while senor used a lot of elements you would see in some awful medleys, he tried to give it his own stuff and I really liked it. It has four phases, making it a pretty long boss.

First phase was ok, it starts kinda weak compared to the other phases, but it has some fun attacks.

Second phase is the classic and expected solgryn 2nd phase from any of these medleys. The only problem I have with it is that it takes a while to end, and also the avoidance part of it was kinda meh. Senor put the classic solgryn attack with the PD bullets, but he added two variations of it as well, which imo, are way better and more fun than the classic dumb solgryn attack everyone copies where you cant tell which bullets are next. Really good.

Third phase is the gradius part. Pretty solid, no complaints.

Fourth phase is what I found to be the most fun part of this game. It's a destination style boss, with only two "guns" and the main body. It has a variety of attacks, and depending on how you decide to attack the two guns, you might go faster, but it might make it harder, because it adds extra bullets for each of the guns. When you defeat both guns, it goes full sicko mode with all of the attacks, making it a really intense and fun ending, but also really hard.

The only thing with the bosses is that they have a lot of hp, not an insane amount, but if you can't mash, the bosses will go a little bit slower.

If you can stand the weak parts of this game, you will definitely enjoy it more, than hating it. Hope that senor makes more stuff, and adds more of his own stuff.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Medley Boss
[4] Likes
Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 65 65
Jun 20, 2019
Great medley-like game. One of Senor's masterpieces.

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Tagged as: Needle Medley
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 65 65
Sep 4, 2020
SenorHardcore consistently impresses me by showing that Happil kids can actually make good games. Didn't much care for boss 2, and some of the guest stage platforming was lacking, but overall it was a pretty solid medley game with nice variety. And last phase of final boss was pretty sick.

Would recommend but only on the grounds that you can mash for long periods of time because jesus christ.

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Rating: 7.1 71       Difficulty: 62 62
Jul 6, 2020
Amazing game , not too hard and too bad

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 65 65
Jun 20, 2019
corrupt + mokuteki

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Tagged as: Medley
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Oct 18, 2024