I wanna see the flowers

Creator: shign

Average Rating
5.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
74.3 / 100
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Needle (3)


  • by MikuStar263
  • by MikuStar263
  • by MikuStar263

Creator's Comments:

shign [Creator]
NOTE: I made this many months ago and I don't really like it anymore except a few rooms. It has a very volatile difficulty and a lot of gates and diagonales. It certainly comes from the fact that it wasn't properly tested by someone else, but also by me because it was too hard for me to clear it. If you are still interested, just know that imo the best parts are screens 10,11 and 12.

Original review:
Hi, this is my first attempt as a maker. This is a short needle of 13 rooms with an average difficulty of 70. The first few rooms are easier than the rest (around 50) and the last ones are harder (around 75, maybe more). I hope you will have some fun playing it.
-don't move after taking the warp in screen 5, it's the one with the warp inside a shuriken.
-if you have the game in 1.0.0 or 1.0.1 (check the logs in the read me to know), you cannot update the game to 1.0.2 or to a newer version if there is one because I did some changes with the names. If you don't want to replay from the beginning, just PM me and I will send you a save.

-1.0.1: bug fix and nerf of rooms 3 and 5.
-1.0.2: fixed all the impossible bullshit and some skips, and did some nerfs
-1.0.3: fixed a jump in room 6 (last update to fix bullshit stuff, I swear)

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 75 75
Aug 16, 2019

3 Reviews:

A 13 screen needle game consisting of regular needle, some vines and also water, doublejump water and catharsis water. Some screens have gravity flipping as well, but not too much.

The visuals are good imo and while the music felt out of place at first, it became very fitting and good once the game started getting hard. The music gave the game an eerie atmosphere similar to that of catharsis, and this really upped my overall experience and made the grindy saves tolerable.

As for the needle design, it starts off not too spectacular or special but some of the later screens are very well designed imo, screen 10 11 and 12 are among my favourite fangame screens of all time. Screen 12 especially really caught me off guard with the outstanding design, and I also enjoyed playing it despite usually hating gravity switching. The last screen has an interesting concept and is also pretty fun on the current version, and is not that hard.

What many would find problematic in this game is the volatile difficulty balance, but I think it should be bearable after all the nerfs. Don't expect the initial easy part to last long.

I would only recommend this to experienced needle players who are able to overlook the difficulty curve not being smooth and are also able to avoid getting pissed off by some grindier saves.
If you are like me though you will enjoy this game a ton even with its flaws.

Oh, and before I forget, try to not move after entering the second warp on screen 5 to avoid a transition death. It's the one with the vines at the top right and the warp inside a shuriken with a platform below it.

Last thing: If we overlook the testing problem, this is a very amazing first fangame imo.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 78 78
Aug 17, 2019
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 2.5 25       Difficulty: 70 70
Dec 21, 2020