25 Reviews:
A true one of a kind fangame gem. This is the fangame experience every fangamer should be required to sit through.
[22] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100
Difficulty: 80 80
Sep 9, 2019
People on this website apparently do not understand the concept of a joke
[6] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100
Difficulty: N/A
Sep 20, 2019
This game is really terrible because you wait for 8 hours on a bus for no reason until you get to a shuriken gate jump to get to a clear screen which is a whole bunch of "wo yay you did it!" messages while the screen is moving around very fast which could give people headaches. There is nothing here besides wasting 8 hours of your time with absolutely no pay off in the end. It might as well be just as bad as the 1,000,000 million gate jump game honestly.
Tagged as: Wasteofyourtime
[5] Likes
Rating: 0.0 0
Difficulty: N/A
Sep 9, 2019