
Creator: octahydrowymcaTide

Average Rating
6.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
51.4 / 100
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Avoidance (5) HP (4)


  • by Anik
  • by GaspacoZanis

Creator's Comments:

wymcat [Creator]
我忘了为什么要用男人唱歌了 好像是当时嫌原唱难听 后来听听其实还行
好像是中考还是高考前一周里抽两天做的 有点忘了
有很多自我创新和很多缺陷 中和一下打了个6.0 当pv看可能有个八九分

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 8, 2023

8 Reviews:

9 HP avoidance, that to my surprise is quite dated in 2025.

I remember seeing this game back in 2020, and thinking that it looked really cool. I mean, even now I kind of appreciate the simple design that fits to the catchy music. However, a lot of the charm has faded away, and the gameplay does not hold up well at all.

You have unbalanced RNG in a lot of places, in the very beginning, in the last 3rd of avoidance, and even attacks that are skill-based, can feel really throw at you hard situations for no reason at all.

The thing that did make the game fun at first were patterns. I enjoyed learning them, finding strats and indicator attacks did make me surprise. However, when you get until infinite jump, be prepared that everything is gonna get annoying. RNG is unreactable, the indicator attack is interesting but really hard to pull off due to the short time to react and few visual cues to calculate where you have to go.

The saddest thing is that this all comes to getting lucky in the last chorus and not chocking the last section, which is by far the hardest one. Last chorus can throw at you so fast fruits that it is just unreactable and unreasonable, so you optimally need to have HP in your reserve. But if you get lucky RNG then even chokes in early game will allow you to get until post-finale. I had attempt where I got with 4 HP until infinite jump and managed to get with 1 HP until outro.

This avoidance becomes a burden for a player, and it is really annoying. Also try to leave at least some HP for outro, because the ending of it is quite lackluster.

This game also has some bugs, like if you hold wall in a specific manner then you can skip gravity attack.

If you want to know more about the game and its bugs, I recommend reading TheBiob's review for this game in his video description:

I agree with his review in most cases, although I personally did not enjoy the RNG attack before 2nd verse - I have seen weird situations there as well. Besides that, please, refer to his review for more detailed information.

However, my conclusion is that this game is not fun at all nowadays, which is really disappointing, since I had high hopes for this game. For me it always seemed as one of the better wymcaT games.

I still liked patterns and design, so I cannot rate this game too low, but I cannot give high rating for something that felt way too luck-based and not fun.

If you do decide to play this, please, know that the outro is not as easy as it seems like. This is not an easy avoidance. It took me 4 hours and I really had to concentrate on the 2nd half to not choke, which is easier said than done.

Would not recommend.

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Tagged as: Avoidance HP
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Rating: 4.6 46       Difficulty: 63 63
Jan 30, 2025
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 5.1 51       Difficulty: 53 53
May 3, 2024
Avoidance with 9 HP with some impressive usage of visuals although using very simple graphics.

As the name implies it heavily plays on the visual reading in some parts, which add a lot to the difficulty as some sections can be particularly nasty at times with RNG and figuring out the way through.

There are a lot of patterns and moments were you don't have to do much. But there are also some heavy RNG sections that can destroy a good pace at any time, even until the very end.

Unlike Cyaegha and other wymcat avoidances you don't have a dotbox which also add a bit to the difficulty.

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Tagged as: Avoidance HP
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 57 57
Apr 29, 2021
Realy good game!Nice effects and sync!

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Tagged as: HP
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 39 39
Jul 3, 2020
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 45 45
Oct 9, 2022