I wanna kill the Neon

Creator: おしるこバーガー

Average Rating
8.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
85.0 / 100
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Yakisoban (2)


  • by Cosmoing
  • by Cosmoing
  • by Cosmoing

2 Reviews:

2 Yakisoban-style boss fights, and the first one basically acts as a tutorial for the second one, which is the real big boy. If you're not familiar with these, it basically plays out like a fight from Megaman Battle Network. I won't go into much detail for the first one since it's really easy in comparison to the second one (like a 55, maybe a 60 difficulty boss at most).
ヤキソバン NZ is the real core of this game and you will spend a long time learning how to deal with his insane attacks, of which you have to dodge many to finally deplete his HP bar. The fight as a whole is very very fast paced which is great fun if you're able to deal with it, and every attack feels consistently beatable once you learn it. There is one exception to this, the missile attack, which is nearly impossible to dodge to even if you prepare for it, as it requires high reaction speed combined with fast reading. Or luck.
Despite the one flaw, I had a blast playing this boss (6 hours in 2 days) and highly recommend it to anyone who might enjoy this kind of boss fight.

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 85 85
Feb 25, 2021
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Jul 18, 2020