I wanna Stay Away From Hardship 9

Creator: SilentNight

Average Rating
6.6 / 10
Average Difficulty
29.8 / 100
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Needle (6) Short (3) Outline (1) Hardship (2)


  • by Pigeon
  • by Pigeon
  • by Pigeon

10 Reviews:

This is what I think of all the Hardships.
They are pretty fun beginner games that can be used for easing into needle.
This one was pretty to play and is one of my favorites of the Hardships.
But they do feel forgettable for how short they are.
So I wouldn't call these games my favorites, but they are enjoyable for what they are.

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Tagged as: Needle Short Hardship
[1] Like
Rating: 6.8 68       Difficulty: 31 31
Sep 17, 2022
Basic, easy, and unfortunately quite forgettable since it sort of lacks any real identity to make it stand out from other beginner needle games.

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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 22 22
Jul 10, 2024
Decent for what it is, but nothing special. A fine game for a beginner, but there are more interesting picks out there.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 30 30
Feb 7, 2024
Short beginner-friendly Needle game that has pretty visuals and a relaxing song playing in the background. All of the jumps seem fine, and the save balance throughout the game is extremely crisp and smooth.

Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle Short Hardship
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 30 30
Aug 31, 2022
I'll just copy paste this review for all the series.

Stay away from Hardship is a series of 10 short needle games set in a relaxing atmosphere.

It can be open to beginners but I'd recommend from 5 to 8 and maybe 10 to begin with as the others can have a couple rough spots.
The games have fairly creative pathing, sometimes simple, sometimes more complex on how to reach the warp.

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Tagged as: Needle Short
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 35 35
Jul 21, 2022