I Wanna Whispered Treasures

Creator: Seimu

Average Rating
6.1 / 10
Average Difficulty
60.2 / 100
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Needle (7) sfw (1) Justice-like (1)


  • by CeleCele
  • by bereavement
  • by FlaviaFlave
  • by FlaviaFlave
  • by CeleCele
  • by Seimu
  • by CeleCele
  • by CeleCele
  • by FlaviaFlave

Creator's Comments:

Seimu [Creator]
This game besides being a present for myself, originally it was gonna be an adventure game, but its my first time making a game, so i'm a bit wonky. and slightly notable in some structures I took inspiration from various fangames.
Perhaps in the future, I'mma make a waaay better second game.

also, I don't know how to make it redirect creator: to me, but well.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jun 11, 2022

14 Reviews:

Couple stages of needle that felt very justice final stage inspired. Its a nice little game but has a ton of 16 pixels so you might want to be careful if you are a boomer. Nothing crazy special, but its worth a play if you want some nice relaxing needle.

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Tagged as: Needle sfw Justice-like
[2] Likes
Rating: 7.1 71       Difficulty: 58 58
Jun 11, 2022
Shout out to Renko97, wouldn't have seen that there was an extra third stage.

The more I played the more I started enjoying this. But the first stage has a problem with the visuals - some of the decoration obscures the little spikes, leading to frustrating deaths. That's why I especially liked the secret stage - clean visuals, no clutter, decent needle.
Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 59 59
Jan 24, 2024
It's a Needle game with a focus on mixing regular spikes with mini spikes, thus creating a style that plays a lot like the white stage at the end of I wanna be the Justice. This might stir some people away due to how many 16 pixels are in it, but I thought it was pretty fun myself as someone who always liked that part of Justice. There are a few rough saves in here, especially near the end since the game gradually gets harder as it goes on, but the majority of it plays pretty fine.

Would recommend it if you enjoy this style. Happy Birthday Seimu

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 60 60
Sep 26, 2022
Rating is based on 100%, difficulty on main game only.

Your typical cramped needle with minispikes filling every empty spots, just look at the screenshots and you'll immediatly know what you play. Main game (stages 1 and 2) stay decent even if stage 2 already starts to put some crappy jumps here and there, but extra (stage 3, and btw to access it you need to go on the top right border with invisible blocks on the endscreen) is way harder, forces 2f jumps and was overall less enjoyable. There is also a secret after stage 3, kinda decent.

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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 63 63
Apr 2, 2024
Definitely has a style, but not exactly great one. Very claustrophobic, with a shit ton of 16px - kinda meh, even tho i quite liked stage 3 (aside of last save). "Secret" stage was also neat. Stage 2 tho was quite painful. Overall, idk, it was fun, but i don't think i can really recommend this one

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Rating: 6.7 67       Difficulty: 65 65
Apr 2, 2024