Creator's Comments:
29th_letter [Creator]
UPDATE 090323: Version 1.2. Fixes bullet blocker on 2-2, slight nerf on 3-5
UPDATE 020323: Version 1.1 is now out. Nerfs the easy stages, buffs the hard stage (in a good way), and makes the credits worse.
Experimental gimmick needle game on the harder side. I had a lot of fun making and playing this game, and I hope you all enjoy :)
[1] Like
UPDATE 020323: Version 1.1 is now out. Nerfs the easy stages, buffs the hard stage (in a good way), and makes the credits worse.
Experimental gimmick needle game on the harder side. I had a lot of fun making and playing this game, and I hope you all enjoy :)
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: 83 83
Jul 6, 2022
9 Reviews:
Excellent needle game surrounding ice vines and water. It starts at around a 70, cranks up till stage 4, drops at stage 4, and then becomes an 80 at the last stage. Some saves did feel a little precise for the sake of being precise, but other than those, this is a recommendation from me.
[4] Likes
Rating: 8.5 85
Difficulty: 80 80
Jul 6, 2022
Very nice little needle game, it primarily focuses on ice vines, which I had never used very much before but has definitely become one of my absolute favorite gimmicks. It's a bit awkward at first but you really get used to it and the needle itself complements the design, giving you more space for the awkward maneuvers and getting tighter for the familiar stuff. I really like how the game flows, and the learning curve is satisfying because nearly everything gets super consistent. It's very much quality over quantity, and that's a great thing. Would recommend to people who like strange platforming.
[2] Likes
Rating: 9.3 93
Difficulty: 74 74
Jul 27, 2023
Fantastic needle game centered around ice vines, was great all the way through. It starts off easier and gets progressively harder as the game continues.
Difficulty wise, I'm not sure what to rate it but for me the hardest save was by far the second to last one in the game. Personally I wish that save didn't use so many "water 2 inside a spike that you must grab from below" because they're incredibly precise for me.
But besides that, game was amazing and deserves your attention if you enjoy needle.
[2] Likes
Difficulty wise, I'm not sure what to rate it but for me the hardest save was by far the second to last one in the game. Personally I wish that save didn't use so many "water 2 inside a spike that you must grab from below" because they're incredibly precise for me.
But besides that, game was amazing and deserves your attention if you enjoy needle.
Rating: 9.0 90
Difficulty: 85 85
Aug 9, 2022