I wanna be the best adventure

Creator: クリストファー・ロビンのくま

Average Rating
3.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
62.5 / 100
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Adventure (3) Needle (2) Trap (2) Boss (3) Short (2) Luck (1) NO (1) why (1) Fake (5)


  • by Zorgo
  • by fff
  • by Natsu
  • by Natsu
  • by Zorgo

11 Reviews:

Fair warning, multiple reviews of this game are lying about the contents of it. It only has 2 stages.

Essentially a fake game, leads itself on to be a well produced adventure game with bosses but very quickly becomes a shitty needle game with a terrible cherry boss, which is then followed by a 1/10 luck check. If you fail the luck check, you have to do the entire shitty part of the game again.

The title screen also changes to reveal that this game is actually "I Wanna Be The Best Luck 3"

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Tagged as: Fake
[15] Likes
Rating: 0.0 0       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 14, 2022
Instant classic

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Tagged as: Adventure Boss
[13] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 14, 2022
It would appear this game was made for Zorgo to cope, but science has yet to determine what the source of the coping is. There is exactly one stage of actual adventure gameplay, then you are presented with some mid guy rock/brown blocks trap needle. There are only two stages.

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[10] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 14, 2022
game deletes its own savefile if you fail a luck check lol

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Tagged as: Fake
[9] Likes
Rating: 0.0 0       Difficulty: 90 90
Aug 14, 2022
EDIT:I checked multiple reviews and found that this game is fake, so I decided to change the rating.

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Tagged as: Fake
[8] Likes
Rating: 0.0 0       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 14, 2022