Creator's Comments:
YaBoiMarcAntony [Creator]
This isn't a game for everyone and I suspect most wouldn't like it at all, but I like it and I made it, primarily, for myself. I don't think there's any comparable fangames out there, the closest being dontlook but that comparison is a little vague as I mean it more in the sense of their games being artpieces more than games, which I feel similarly about this - of course, maybe I should just be viewing them as games anyways because who said games and artpieces couldn't be one and the same? "Artpiece" is anyways a totally vague phrase that really can mean any number of things to any one.
In any case, this is a very short game, around fifteen minutes, and if the first three seconds don't intrigue you, then you will almost certainly not like this game.
[2] Likes
In any case, this is a very short game, around fifteen minutes, and if the first three seconds don't intrigue you, then you will almost certainly not like this game.
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Aug 19, 2022