I Wanna Defeat the TeamChoco 2

Creator: TeamChoco

Average Rating
6.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
86.0 / 100
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Needle (2) Gimmick (1) Collab (2) Extra (1)


  • by Lake
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  • by Lake
  • by Lake
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  • by choco1260
  • by Lake
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  • by Lake
  • by choco1260

Creator's Comments:

TeamChoco [Creator]
We Are TeamChoco.

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Sep 27, 2022

4 Reviews:

Rating based on normal clear.

Another Korean needle collab, which started with a simple joke "We need Teamchoco 2."
The joke eventually made me spend 31.5 hours and 25k god damn deaths on this brutal game.

Overall, if you expected this to be Nonamed Spike 2, well, it's Nonamed Spike 2 but more of a generic version. This game has many styles of needle, but about half of them feel kinda samey. If you like this kind of needle then it can be a good choice. Personally I find it too hard to be enjoyable. I do think this game has some cool stuff, but most of the hard stuff was not cool honestly.

I'll write concise reviews for each stage, in the order of I cleared.

gafro : Best stage in my opinion, it's like cookie temptation but more clever and clean version.

LCR : diagonal diagonal diagonal diagonal diagonal diagonal diagonal diagonal diagonal diagonal

AHS1222 : This stage has the highest production value. The gimmick was cool as well, but I didn't like the random ledge.

Magellan : Okay one. It's like replaying Get The Snow Crystal which is by the same creator. Not that enjoyable honestly.

Soap : Another okay one. Has some cool drops and stuff though. Chill and decent.

Khoko1260 : Very weird, second save is literally impossible. Without this stage this game would have been literally no gimmick needle collab >(

Choco1260 : Pretty hard one. The needle flows well, and makes use of some cool setups. Fourth map was brutal.

Whitechoco : I didn't really like this stage. Two saves are ridiculously harder than other saves. Very unbalanced, random plane in the middle was... I didn't like it.

IeF : Second best stage for me. Hard, but has many cool jumps. Great debut, IeF!

jimaba : Almost every save has at least one way-harder-than-other-jumps-in-the-save jumps, you know. Some of them are turned out to be frame perfect, at the END of the save!

Username0014 : What. Just what. This stage took me 11 hours total, fourth save was very hard. Too hard for me to judge whether it's enjoyable or not.

Seiror : WHAT THE FUCK. This stage took me another 12 hours. First save especially took me 6 hours and 45 minutes. This stage as well, is too hard for me to judge the enjoyment. People who enjoy this kind of needle would enjoy, people who does not would not enjoy this. (and Username0014 stage.)

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Tagged as: Gimmick Extra
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 86 86
Dec 8, 2022
I hate my laptop, shader error bruh

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Tagged as: Needle Collab
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Sep 28, 2022
Tagged as: Needle Collab
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Sep 27, 2022