I Wanna Be The Lucky Projection

Creator: Misery

Average Rating
2.9 / 10
Average Difficulty
99.2 / 100
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Avoidance (4) Luck (4) Lucky_Series (1)


  • by 64superman
  • by NightShark115

10 Reviews:


All possible but not for human.

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[4] Likes
Rating: 0.6 6       Difficulty: 100 100
Dec 6, 2022
i respect the title screen song

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 100 100
Dec 5, 2022
Tagged as: Avoidance Luck
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 98 98
Jan 22, 2024
just get lucky

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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 99 99
Dec 5, 2022
8 Impossible luck avoidance, even TAS couldn't do it.
some might be doable if all the star in the universe aligned and if you had dot hitbox and slowmo.

In case it wasn't obvious yes those avoidance are very TAS possible and even human possible, but most of them are on the level of Lucky Final or worse even, (hence why I rated the game a 99 and not a 100)
Anyway, you probably don't want to bother with this unless you enjoy absurdly unfair luck grind (skill will help)

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Tagged as: Luck Lucky_Series
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 99 99
Dec 5, 2022