I Wanna Be The Double Diamond

Creator: fruityberry

Average Rating
2.6 / 10
Average Difficulty
70.0 / 100
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Needle (1) Trash (1)


  • by fruityberry

Creator's Comments:

fruityberry [Creator]
yosniper engine gms1.4 (it sucks for needle lol) and i shouldve named this diamond not double diamond
also why is my review not [creator] cuz i made this

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Tagged as: Trash
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
May 9, 2024

3 Reviews:

many diamond jumps in the YoSniper Studio engine aka an engine 100% not designed for any sort of needle whatsoever

it's as good as you'd expect.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 2.6 26       Difficulty: 70 70
May 23, 2024
Standard jumps with the worst needle physics ever made.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
May 8, 2024