Needle Space

Creator: Desom-fu

Average Rating
7.6 / 10
Average Difficulty
55.5 / 100
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Needle (2) Short (1) Cloud_I_Wanna (1)


  • by Desomfu
  • by Desomfu

Creator's Comments:

Desomfu [Creator]
Maker: Desom-fu
Tester: Wakusei, Idontwannabethe
Special Thanks: Purify

Main stages: 11 small sections + 1 large section, difficulty around 55
EX stages: 2 small sections + 1 large section, difficulty around 70
You can earn experience by completing the main stages.
After entering the "end" screen, you can either replay the main stages or enter the EX stages (you must clear the EX stages to proceed).
After completing the main stages, you can press "W" to teleport to the stage selection room.

This is probably my first self-made IW. The materials are pieced together from various sources, and I taught myself the animation.
The two large sections are from my original I wanna Maker stages and small changed.

To be honest, starting from stage M6, the main stages began to lack content, and I was running out of ideas (which is why the difficulty started to spike up!).
As for the EX stages, they were planned early on, so the quality should be decent.

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Tagged as: Needle Short Cloud_I_Wanna
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 55 55
Sep 10, 2024

2 Reviews:

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 7.6 76       Difficulty: 56 56
Sep 14, 2024