Creator's Comments:
12345ta [Creator]
I am the author of this software :)
GameMaker Studio 2で作られたファンゲームはほとんどが[C:\Users\User\AppData\Local]に作られるのと、フォルダ名が全て違ったりもするので対応は難しそうです...
If there's anything you'd like to have backed up, please write it here!
Most fan games made with GameMaker Studio 2 are created in [C:\Users\User\AppData\Local], and the folder names are all different, so it seems like it might be difficult to make it work...
I'll be releasing a separate software I made to back up specified files soon, so please wait until then... :)
(I'am Japanese, Google Translate Used)
[0] Likes
I am the author of this software :)
GameMaker Studio 2で作られたファンゲームはほとんどが[C:\Users\User\AppData\Local]に作られるのと、フォルダ名が全て違ったりもするので対応は難しそうです...
If there's anything you'd like to have backed up, please write it here!
Most fan games made with GameMaker Studio 2 are created in [C:\Users\User\AppData\Local], and the folder names are all different, so it seems like it might be difficult to make it work...
I'll be releasing a separate software I made to back up specified files soon, so please wait until then... :)
(I'am Japanese, Google Translate Used)
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Dec 29, 2024
2 Reviews:
Well, you really do make a backup.. ¯\_(U_U)_/¯
Tagged as: backup
[0] Likes
Rating: 0.1 1
Difficulty: 1 1
Dec 21, 2024