I wanna be a daydreaming fairy on a flower

Creator: Stella

Average Rating
6.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
77.0 / 100
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  • by Haoyan
  • by Haoyan

1 Review:

The game has some good ideas but the gameplay was kind of lacking. Some designs are overly repetitive, with several needle types and patterns appearing over and over, and many of them are really annoying. The difficulty curve is also extremely unbalanced, with some adjacent save points having difficulty gaps of over 15 delicious-fruit's difficulty levels. And the biggest issue is that the game is filled with unnecessary and cheap difficulty, with many unpolished, random but precise jumps placed in long segments. The game has some common gimmicks, but almost without exception they are executed terribly. There are some cool paths like Floor 38, but due to the above issues, they don't contribute positively to the gameplay.

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 77 77
Dec 31, 2024