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For: I wanna be the Perfection2
For: I wanna be the Perfection2
The second game of the perfection series, this time with challenges themed on traps and fake paths. Every single trap in this game is generic and, due to the progressive difficulty, the game becomes unbearable near the end, where almost every screen is annoyingly cryptic (There's even a section with invisible water) and/or filled with flying spike traps. There's also a water corner somewhere near the end.
Easily the worst game in the series. Highly not recommended.
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Easily the worst game in the series. Highly not recommended.
Rating: 2.0 20
Difficulty: 46 46
Feb 14, 2015
For: I wanna be the Nostalgic.
For: I wanna be the Nostalgic.
Gameplay: 5/10
Music: 3/10
Production Value: 4/10
Genre: Trap / Adventure
I'll admit it's a pretty shit game, since it looks bad and the music restarts, but I had a bit of fun playing it.
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Music: 3/10
Production Value: 4/10
Genre: Trap / Adventure
I'll admit it's a pretty shit game, since it looks bad and the music restarts, but I had a bit of fun playing it.
Rating: 4.5 45
Difficulty: 40 40
Feb 14, 2015
For: I wanna be the Perfection
For: I wanna be the Perfection
Welcome to the Perfection series, a collection of challenges of increasing difficulty that gives you a ranking at the end based on how well you performed at the game (Death/Time count). These games feature generic visuals, loud death sound, restarting music and no aesthetic appeal at all, so everything they have going for them is their interesting concept. In this game, the first of the series, the challenges consist of combinations of generic needle jumps, often being just the same jump repeated a few times a row. It's not bad, but no matter how I look at it, I can't call it anything other than a mediocre game with a nice structure. Probably wouldn't recommend.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 4.5 45
Difficulty: 38 38
Feb 14, 2015
For: I wanna Hypothyroidism
For: I wanna Hypothyroidism
It looks like complete and utter garbage, i wanted to throw up.
[2] Likes
Rating: 1.0 10
Difficulty: 100 100
Feb 14, 2015
For: I wanna be the たったのこれだけwww4
For: I wanna be the たったのこれだけwww4
You shoot apples, your death is apples and the music doesn't restart. those are the only good things about this game.
[0] Likes
Rating: 0.2 2
Difficulty: 70 70
Feb 14, 2015
For: I wanna be the Eden
For: I wanna be the Eden
Gameplay: 1/10
Music: 3/10
Production Value: 2/10
Genre: Trap
Trigger game with terrible bosses. It's pretty bad and unbalanced, don't play it.
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Music: 3/10
Production Value: 2/10
Genre: Trap
Trigger game with terrible bosses. It's pretty bad and unbalanced, don't play it.
Rating: 2.0 20
Difficulty: 60 60
Feb 14, 2015
For: I wanna eat the Stuffed Animal
For: I wanna eat the Stuffed Animal
A nice vanilla avoidance fight. Difficulty ranges from Easy->Death, with the easiest being a nice intro for newer players and the death difficulty providing a decent challenge for more experienced ones, although still being pretty manageable.
The intro to the song is a few seconds of silence you can't move in, and while it's not very long it starts to feel like fucking forever after a few tries. Otherwise a pretty fun game. (This difficulty rating is for Death Difficulty).
The intro to the song is a few seconds of silence you can't move in, and while it's not very long it starts to feel like fucking forever after a few tries. Otherwise a pretty fun game. (This difficulty rating is for Death Difficulty).
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 40 40
Feb 14, 2015
For: I wanna be the GGM
For: I wanna be the GGM
Fun and easy game. Most jumps are ridiculously easy, but some can pose a bit of challenge for first-time players. Overall, a nice beginner-friendly game that most people can easily breeze through. Rating is high because the music is good and it somehow fits well with each 'stage'.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.5 65
Difficulty: 10 10
Feb 14, 2015
For: I wanna be the GBR
For: I wanna be the GBR
Short, simple game with easy/standard platforming. Expect a decent number of traps throughout.
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Rating: 4.0 40
Difficulty: 23 23
Feb 14, 2015