oddballExtraordinaire's Profile

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Joined on: Nov 10, 2020


Autistic oddball who made a stupid medley fangame once that made them a meme. Mainly draws nowadays with little to no interest in making fangames again.

Despite that... I'm still working on THAT game.

I've submitted:
16 Ratings!
16 Reviews!
8 Screenshots!

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16 Reviews

For: маленький человек 4
Russian fangame that was made in 2015 that contains a very unique and cool art style. The aesthetics make the game feel like a charged up NES game. I like it, thumbs up.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Boss Russian
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Rating: 8.4 84       Difficulty: 49 49
May 7, 2022
For: I wanna be the Quarzious - Quarzious Mode
I Wanna Be The Quarziaous - Quarziaous Mode, a joke fangame based on the IWBTQuarzia series made by me back in the early 2010's. I didn't take this too lightly back when I was still a complete idiot. But looking back on this, it's a great response to my bullshit. Think of it as a Happil styled representation to the Quarzia series, like how Happil 2 was made to be a parody of Kamilia 3. Only difference is, this game is much better (and actually complete) unlike the rest of the series.

The only thing I dislike about this game is the fact I have to look at my face in this game. My ugly, young face.

It is a great game to play if you don't feel like playing the Kamilia clone series by me.

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[10] Likes
Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 72 72
Dec 16, 2020
For: Pichulazo entre medio de los dedos del pie
I remember this game the most out of all fangames I've ever played, and it's due to the fact it's probably the most mysterious and fascinating fangame I've ever seen. I've first seen this fangame on a youtube video about some person in a foreign language reviewing this game and the style is what intrigued me. I tried downloading the game and all the links lead me to was a website with an eagle. I eventually gave up trying to find it until a year later when I was checking the files on my computer and found this game was actually installed after all. And so I checked this game out and I was awestruck with how much this game contains.

Now, the fangame is mediocre, but still nice, but for a fangame made in 2011, it was certainly surprising as no fangames had aesthetics like this game. What's sad is the fact this game was never finished, and I was curious as to what would've been added next if it were finished. But today, even now, I still have it in my heart.

Okay so let's talk about IWBTLast.
The main character isn't the kid, but a character similar to the main character of I Wanna Be The Tribute, but with blue eyes for some reason. The first area of the game was a rainy forest with ominous trees in the background. The first area had two sections, the first was a tutorial of the game and the second being more in line of a basic fangame. The second area is a cavern that eventually lead to an area based on Eversion.
Next up, the ghost house being the third area of the game. You also eventually encounter a massive troll face chasing you with sound effects from Amnesia humming when getting close. And after you went past that area, you make it to the first boss which is Two pong bats with tetris music for some reason. You kill one of the paddles and the real battle begins. The last phase ends up having to make you shoot the paddle before it crushes you. Basically the last phase of the megaman fight in Boshy. And the last two areas are a darker forest and a cavern which the latter is where the game ends.

I'm curious to know, what ever happened to Yeigoc303? Well, whatever happened to him, I hope he's having a good life. But yeah, I mostly reviewed this game with nostalgia in mind, but it's still a nice game to play, albiet unfinished.

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Rating: 6.6 66       Difficulty: 43 43
Nov 10, 2020
oddballExtraordinaire [Creator]
For: I wanna Save the Universe 2
The original "review" on this fangame was me not remembering these two fangames existences, but now I have a vague idea on what they were.

So if I remember correctly, these were the original medley fangames I was going to make before Quarzia came around. I have lost the original files so these two fangames will remain a mystery forever.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Nov 10, 2020
oddballExtraordinaire [Creator]
For: I wanna be the Quarzia 2
I Wanna Be The Quarzia 2. The sequel to the game that was never finished, and thus, follows suite and remains unfinished to match it's predeccessor. I think this game started development back in 2015, one year after Quarzia 1's development beginning. I think this game is way better than the first game, but still isn't as good to play. I think it's baffling the game is still downloadable since I thought my Mediafire account would be disabled at this point.

Okay, here's what I think has improved since the first game.
> The game is leagues easier than Q1, but still challenging because I still haven't mastered what I considered hard or easy since I only cared about putting stages together and calling it a day.
> This game actually has item stages, which is shocking. I think only one is programmed into the game since when I played it back a few days ago at the time of writing this, I only managed to encounter one item stage.
> Production value's better, but still trash.
> I guess music choices are improved, but I was still using music from other fangames when decompiling them and viewing their files to add into this game.

I do have more vague memories of this game due to it being more recent at the time, but it's still a bit foggy for me, but I had a lot of memories making this as much as the first one, to a point where I actually remember one of the deleted update videos of this game I made. I think it was having to do with me adding the Little Man 4 stage and Fatbirds stage into the game. I'm not entirely sure if that video still exists though.

But yeah, my overall thoughts of this game are the same with the first one, except I do like this one more because more effort was put into it. Will I revisit it? Probably not.

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[3] Likes
Rating: 2.3 23       Difficulty: 62 62
Nov 10, 2020

4 Games

GameDifficultyAverage Rating# of Ratings
I wanna be the Quarzia 89.5 0.9 3
I wanna be the Quarzia 2 58.9 2.7 12
I wanna Save the Universe N/A N/A 1
I wanna Save the Universe 2 N/A N/A 2