I wanna be the Overlord

Creator: MattinJ

Average Rating
9.2 / 10
Average Difficulty
51.4 / 100
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Adventure (22) Gimmick (12) Boss (12) Secrets (9) Long (18) Puzzle (6) Masterpiece (1) metroidvania (6) Backtrack (1) Weapon_System (1) enemies (1) gimmick_needle (1) Cycle (1) Map (1)


  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by ElCochran90
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by ElCochran90
  • by ElCochran90
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by ElCochran90
  • by ElCochran90
  • by ElCochran90
  • by ElCochran90
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by ElCochran90
  • by Xplayerlol

69 Reviews:

Simply one of the best fangames ever made. It's not too difficult but what it does give you is an amazing sense of exploration and discovery. Seriously, play this game.

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Boss Secrets Long
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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 48 48
Mar 20, 2017
A metroidvania fangame! This is a dream come true for me, and I'm sure it is for many others. It is one of the best fangames I've played and I would probably even have paid to play a game of such high quality.

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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 48 48
Jun 30, 2017
I gotta say it first, I do think this is a very well-made game. I'll put this here since I feel like I'll criticize a lot down there.

I heard about this game a lot, being the first fangame of the maker that is really great. So I gave it a shot, eventually finishing this game. Overall it's a great fangame, but I had a decent amount of frustration during this game.

The main reason of my frustration was the fact that there are WAY too much pathfinding imo. Every key items you get gives you literally no description except the Ocarina. I can't remember these items' effect even when I beat the whole game. I think the maker tried to give a hint since there's usually a way to use these items right away, but the problem still remains. You have to find where to go to use the item you just obtained and for me, it almost took more than fighting bosses/doing platforming. I guess it's a necessary thing for a metroidvania game, but I just thought it was too much.

There were more things which I disliked like some of the stages' gimmick and some puzzles, but I think that's based from my anti-puzzling nature so I'll skip it.

Still, I had a pretty good experience from the game. The bosses were good and musics are great. I liked the rings that can change your shot style(pretty sad that guns just increase your damage though). Leveling only increases your attack, but what else you need in a fangame?

Overall a great game, but some flaws keeps me from giving it 8~9/10.

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 60 60
Mar 27, 2017
Not many creators are willing to go through the effort of creating a fully fledged metroidvania-style fangame, and among those, hardly any are successful in what they set out to do. I wanna be the Overlord is one of these few successes, creating a multi-stage game world that has branching paths, secrets, puzzles, diverse enemies, intricate bosses, and a variety of stage themes/gimmicks. The difficulty is curve is well done, with the platforming never reaching that frustratingly difficult level (though some secret areas may be difficult for new players, and there were 2 "enemy only" screens which were awful). Although the bosses are generally harder than most of the platforming and have some attacks that can easily screw you over from RNG, this doesn't reach extreme levels and with the level up system even newer players to the fangame genre can probably finish if they grind out some levels. However, these bosses don't really feel progressively more difficult due to the branching nature of the game, and sometimes later bosses can even feel easier than early bosses because you have more damaging tools at your disposal.

My main complaints when I first started (lack of attack range, not being able to teleport to hub at will) ended up being resolved via hidden items/rewards. That said there are still some minor issues that I had with the game, less having to do with the game world itself and more having to do with the lack of polish on the metroidvania elements. First off it isn't very clear what certain items do, they have no in-game description and most just end up taking an inventory slot and are used once and never again (does the secret bosses' reward give you more souls? Why would people want this when it's probably the last thing people do in the game?). Finding certain items can prove to be very difficult, so perhaps more "hint npcs" would be helpful to point you in the right direction (ie. a cryptoria npc hinting at needing the nattgard torch would be useful). Likewise, the customization of weapons is fairly lacking. You can find guns which only provide a base damage upgrade (so if you find worse guns there is no real point in using them) and the only variety in the actual shooting you do involves the few rings in the game (and there is an obvious optimal ring which makes all the others obsolete). Similarly, leveling up just increases attack power by 1 which is pretty boring, though I don't really know how to solve this since something like a "guts" mechanic would be worse. The biggest disappointment was probably the ending, as after having a seemingly story-driven opening at the beginning of the game you beat the final boss, credits role, and that's it. Some sort of cutscene at the end resolving the story itself would go a long way in making the ending seem complete.

Although there were some minor elements that could have been done better, overall this is one of the few "must play" fangames and is recommended for players of all skill ranges.

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Rating: 9.8 98       Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 24, 2017
An incredible fangame and contender for one of the best ever made in terms of production value. The reason I rated it much lower than others is that I just didn't enjoy it as much as other people. The game really is amazing, but it just didn't entertain me to the point where I felt like it deserves a 9 or a 10.

Don't lynch me!

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Boss Long
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Rating: 8.8 88       Difficulty: 55 55
Mar 21, 2017