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I Wanna Dodge The DVD Screensaver For Seven Hours 81.0 10.0

1 Review

For: I Wanna Dodge The DVD Screensaver For Seven Hours
I Wanna Dodge The DVD Screensaver For Seven Hours

Tonight, I just finished my playthrough of I Wanna Dodge the DVD Screensaver For Seven Hours, it is the most misunderstood piece of art I have ever encountered in my journey through life. A deconstruction of fangames, and a huge societal critique. Slow Cinema transposed onto video game.

Deconstruction of FanGames: Desire "I Wanna"
This fangame deconstructs fangames in the sense of its title. I Wanna Dodge the Dvd Screensaver For Seven Hours, Society wants to dodge their troubles, this game forces complete self-awareness of its existence as a game. Allowing you to focus on its title. Its a critique of the worldly desire present in every single fangame, the basis being the wants and desires of "the little guy" Bringing into question the morals of fangames, what do these pieces of art glorify? That brings me into my next topic.
Critique of Society: The Desire to Avoid Troubles
This game is quite symbolic in its images. DvD Screensaver as a sign for laziness, representing societies issues, and the laziness taken with said issues. The desire of "little guy"/the world, is to "dodge" said troubles. There is a reason for the games excessive length, it is used to make you feel its length. To show the consequences on the human condition that is involved when you don't confront your troubles, but rather "dodge" them.
I Wanna Dodge The DVD Screensaver For Seven Hours is an absolute piece of perfection in fangame history. Deconstructing the idea of what a fangame glorifies, and providing an incredibly important societal critique, that is universal for all times. A misunderstood game, why? Because modern society is not open to art! Their lack of engagement in turn for desire and entertainment is simply gross. A n important game. Love it so much

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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 81 81
Aug 6, 2023
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GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I Wanna Dodge The DVD Screensaver For Seven Hours 81.0 10.0

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GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I Wanna Dodge The DVD Screensaver For Seven Hours 81.0 10.0