ae8's Profile

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Joined on: Sep 4, 2021



uhhhh adhd momence

NormalisedDifficulty (Easy≔30. Medium≔60. Hard≔90)
NormalisedRating (No≔0.0. Yes≔10.0. Yes, but No≔5.0. No, but Yes≔5.0) It made me think or it did not.

Difficulty: delfruit but add 80 more difficulty levels to n/180. Games are shifted by this to put delfruit difficulty into perspective.
ex. ftfa is 85 ish difficulty on delfruit, and ftfa deathless is 160 difficulty,
so ftfa is relative to the modern fangaming skill ceiling ~47% while ftfa deathless is ~89%.
Years ago Kefit said the difficulty distance between 0-90 was the same distance as 90-100.
So, this difficulty system compensates that. The original reason why I gave ل a difficulty rating of 4/10 at the time of release.

Rating: Last friday alice was playing a game on Friday Legends roulette, and a game was technically good by Western fangame ideas of a good game, but it did not say anything, and they had more fun and banter playing a shitty corridor needle (I think by Leehe), than playing this objectively good jTool needle. So I would rate an AIDS game a Yes, while giving a good jTool needle a No.

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8 Ratings!
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8 Reviews

For: I wanna thank you Patrickgh3
Rating: Yes
Difficulty: Midium

gimmicks @.@ i get head=ow :o
very learny at parts
intricate (as opposed to precise) design

This game has two impossible modes, one of them is after you beat the game.


Piss and Shit

not played through yet

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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 60 60
Oct 21, 2021
For: I wanna be the Space needle
Rating: Yes
Difficulty: Easy

> this is a good game to play
If it weren't for moogy's review and Gpalm's review and Wlad's review, I wouldn't have played this game. But this game _does in fact_ have it all.

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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 30 30
Sep 9, 2021
For: I wanna fly the Far away
Rating (Yes, No): Yes
Difficulty (Easy, Medium, Hard): Hard

Difficulty (Personal): 5

I quit on screen 4 and then egg was playing it and then I spent 7 hours playing screen 4 and then I beat it. I recall screen 4 is play conditions you to play more faster and looser compared to the previous screens. It was more fun like that and water jump 1 didn't feel like trash.

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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 90 90
Sep 4, 2021

2 Games

GameDifficultyAverage Rating# of Ratings
I wanna ل 79.0 7.1 11
I wanna be the 耐久0 70.0 3.5 2
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