I wanna fly the Far away

Creator: ところてん

Average Rating
6.6 / 10
Average Difficulty
85.5 / 100
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Needle (24) Short (2) Original (5) Grind (3) FTFA-like (7) Setup (2) Bhop (1) BunnyHop (1)


  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG
  • by Cutie
  • by Cutie
  • by DerpyHoovesIWBTG
  • by Anonymous
  • by Cutie

77 Reviews:

Generic needle game with not much going for it. Poorly balanced saves with few unique ideas. Recommended skip.

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[17] Likes
Rating: 1.0 10       Difficulty: 90 90
Mar 14, 2022
One of my favorite needle games. This game is hard, but it only has 4 hard screens/saves (last save is a joke) and every screen/save is generally harder than the previous one. This game definitely made me a lot better at needle and was really fun to play. Would only recommend to good players, though, since game is really hard and people who aren't skilled enough won't have fun playing it.

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Tagged as: Needle Short Grind
[13] Likes
Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 92 92
Oct 29, 2015
Fly the Far Away needs no introduction. I just want to complain a little bit about screen four.

I believe screen four contradicts the general design philosophy and flow of everything prior to it. To draw a simple parallel: screen four is to barrage as screens one through three are to pattern avoidances. The application of water here is generally more about creating reaction-based jumps than consistent setup jumps, which betrays everything that is already established about the game's design. The way water is used is not conducive to building muscle memory. Sure you can have strats, but there will always be slight deviations due to the nature of water. This issue is even present in the single water jump that you can set up: water dplanes. Due to the fickle nature of player physics, you may be a pixel higher or lower depending on your previous jump. Of course, you can study vstring theory and get more consistent executions, but personally I draw the line there.

Screen four, largely, is good. However, I don't enjoy it hardly as much as the rest of the game due to these issues. I like it a lot more than I did before clearing the save, but it isn't something I see myself replaying any time soon.

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Tagged as: Needle Setup
[6] Likes
Rating: 8.8 88       Difficulty: 80 80
Jul 13, 2021

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[6] Likes
Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 90 90
Aug 9, 2020
Short, but really tough one-save-per-screen needle game. Built around generic-ish jumps, but without recycling them, which makes them about as OK as any more unusual needle section in my eyes (My issue's always been repetitiveness, after all), also featuring a few more unusual jumps. However, maybe I got spoiled by Nightmare, but this game didn't appeal to me as much as I was hoping it would. The first three screens/saves relegate most of their difficulty to the last jumps (Relatively speaking, of course, it's not like the other jumps are 'free' at all), which is pretty bad for a game as hard as this is, the last screen being the only decent part of the game in that regard, with a decent difficulty balance where all jumps are individually challenging (Though that also makes it way harder than the rest of the game). The simplistic visuals and the lack of music make it all about the gameplay, and the gameplay wasn't that fun at all, so...meh. Not much beyond mediocre in my eyes.

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Tagged as: Needle
[5] Likes
Rating: 4.9 49       Difficulty: 90 90
Oct 10, 2017