8 Reviews:
This game starts with some weird stuff and then some needle that isn't too hard; rating is basically carried by the avoidance at the end. It is a very weird avoidance graphics and music wise but it is fun and very accessible. Give it a try.
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Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 55 55
May 28, 2022
Dont judge a book by its cover is basically how this game works, It starts off with some really bad looking platforming, however isnt so bad since the worst of it (the inverts primarily) are fake.
This leads to an avoidance fight which is honestly one of the most fun ive ever played.
A really cool infinite jump barrage boss to some electronic music, the difficulty is also fairly low so you can beat it really quick.
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This leads to an avoidance fight which is honestly one of the most fun ive ever played.
A really cool infinite jump barrage boss to some electronic music, the difficulty is also fairly low so you can beat it really quick.
Rating: 7.0 70
Difficulty: N/A
Jul 9, 2016