6 Reviews:
Needle game with rooms defaul of the engine, the needle is normal but in a jump exist invisible water, terrible design.
The boss is the cherry defaul of the engine, no is a crazy apple
The boss is the cherry defaul of the engine, no is a crazy apple
Tagged as: Needle
[0] Likes
Rating: 1.6 16
Difficulty: 36 36
Sep 16, 2017
The games almost entirely made of the rooms from the engine download. A few tracks and invisible blocks leave nothing but your most standard gameplay. I almost quit the game thinking it was impossible before mashing jump at a certain point and learning there's invisible water. There is a boss but its not as crazy as the title would have you hoping. You don't need to play this, I didn't need to play this. Let's move on.
[0] Likes
Rating: 1.0 10
Difficulty: 30 30
Jan 31, 2017