I wanna be the LTI

Creator: prgmdest(マヨラ13)

Average Rating
4.0 / 10
Average Difficulty
36.4 / 100
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Adventure (1) Needle (4) Gimmick (3) Boss (4) Trigger (3) LoveTrap (2)


  • by CanusAntonius
  • by Thenewgeezer
  • by CanusAntonius
  • by NightShark115

13 Reviews:

A lovetrap fangame but short and more easy

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Tagged as: Gimmick Boss LoveTrap
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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 40 40
Dec 30, 2022
It is some sort of Lovetrap fangame that doesn't really make a lot of sense due to not being able to read the language text is in. There are times in the game where killer objects do not actually hurt you, and other times you actually have to do the platforming, and it seems very random to me. There's also a score counter on the window border, but it disappears eventually for some unknown reason, I think it wants you to play the game without dying for points.

What there is in the game is mostly from Lovetrap. It uses some of the same screens from it with a little bit of minor variations, and cuts out all of the bosses. Instead of them, you just cut between stages once entering a boss room, which makes for a very unusual pacing. Later in the game you'll be given a "Demo" on how to fight Big Kid, which is a boss you're meant to die on at the beginning of the game to start your journey. The demo gives you infinite lives to fight Big Kid, then you actually fight him, and this continues as a cycle for about 4 times increasing in difficulty. At the end you fight the Big Kid from the start with your newfound knowledge, and then the game ends.

I'm not sure what to say about this, a lot doesn't make sense to me since I can only read English, but maybe it makes more sense if you can understand the language used (I think it's Japanese). I'm not sure I would recommend it honestly, it's pretty boring outside of the Big Kid fights, but those might actually be helpful to a new player wanting to learn them.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Boss Trigger LoveTrap
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Rating: 4.0 40       Difficulty: 40 40
Aug 30, 2022
A lovetrap fangame trying out lots of stuff at once.
First being an impossible scoring system ?
where you get a score depending on how many saves you pass without dying (score is updated on the window bar).

Dying is also coneptually special here since not all spikes kills but a few of them.
Although the idea is thrown off when you reach the bad apple stage where eveything blends but sometimes you can survive.

It ends with a gauntlet of kids with a savepoint in between and a demo screen to train on for each of them, and in which you can't die while practicing.

Progressively gets harder from that point and gets harder compared to the platforming.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Boss Trigger
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Rating: 3.1 31       Difficulty: 41 41
Sep 4, 2021
Very boring game with a mish-mash of ideas thrown together. It's thankfully short but there's an infuriatingly bland 'gauntlet' of big kid bosses.

Overall, don't play this.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Trigger
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Rating: 3.3 33       Difficulty: 31 31
Apr 2, 2017
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 50 50
May 17, 2022