Full Fangame List

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GameDifficulty   Rating   # of Ratings
I wanna be the WAAAAA 16.9 4.5 21
I wanna ( *・ω・)✄╰ひ╯ 21.0 6.2 4
I wanna be the (・ω<)☆ 33.4 5.4 17
I wanna be the ...? 36.8 3.7 5
I wanna be the .AA 45.0 5.2 2
100 Floor Medley 85.0 7.1 12
I wanna be the 15x15 38.6 6.4 13
I wanna be the 1vavaavaaa 58.5 6.8 7
I wanna be the 2000 person commemoration 67.0 3.0 5
I wanna be the 2013 29.3 2.1 6
I wanna be the 25 level 44.4 7.6 6
I wanna be the 27 48.3 5.4 10
I wanna be the 2ステ 35.3 1.0 5
I wanna be the 30 57.3 3.0 4
I wanna be the 35億 69.7 4.9 3
I wanna be the 3lt@s4x9uo 45.2 8.5 26
I Wanna Be The 4 Elements 60.4 3.7 22
I wanna be the 5th world 40.4 4.4 7
I wanna be the 5th world 34.8 3.0 9
I wanna be the 69 85.8 7.1 6
I wanna be the 8bit 49.0 8.2 63
I wanna be the 8possible(一般公開版) 26.3 7.4 85
I Wanna Be The <Challenger> 62.5 6.6 6
A Boy Be Ambitious 55.2 6.3 7
A Gamer's Journey 46.7 6.9 8
A little ocean adventure N/A N/A 3
A Minimal Adventure 37.4 7.5 48
A World of Seven Elements 46.0 6.8 12
A written challenge from Death 39.4 7.7 37
I wanna access your Heart 34.3 7.0 8
I wanna be the Accurate 48.8 7.9 19
I wanna achieve my dream 45.0 6.0 2
I wanna be the Advantage 35.9 6.1 12
I wanna be the Adventure 34.8 2.7 4
I wanna Adventure in The Forest 62.9 9.0 8
I wanna adventure to Ryo- 42.5 6.5 5
I wanna adventure to ryo- ストーリー無し ver 40.3 7.3 4
I wanna be the Adventurer 25.3 6.1 16
I wanna be the adventurer 46.3 7.2 9
I wanna afflict the Mashikaku 45.9 7.5 36
I wanna afflict the Mashikaku hard mode 70.0 9.0 2
I wanna be the Agent 58.9 5.8 24
I wanna be the aggressor 51.0 6.8 3
Agraelus, Wanna be MaN 54.5 0.1 2
I wanna be the Aho 60.0 N/A 1
I wanna be the Air 36.8 6.3 41
Aiwanna Academia 63.7 8.6 16
I wanna be the Alcatraz 56.0 5.1 5
I wanna be the ALIEST! 60.0 0.1 2
I wanna all VOIRO end over 50.1 6.6 9
I wanna be the Alternative 43.0 5.3 2
I wanna be the ambi 32.9 6.6 10
I wanna be the Amnesia 49.1 7.9 8
I wanna be the AmorAltra 42.5 1.3 5
I wanna be the anarchy 71.0 5.4 4
I wanna be the anchor 52.5 2.3 3
I wanna be the Ancient 67.3 6.2 5
I wanna be the Angel 69.2 5.4 8
I wanna be the Angewel 53.4 6.8 7
I wanna be the animism 57.0 5.6 3
I wanna be the Animus 27.8 6.5 150
I wanna be the Another 47.5 2.0 2
I wanna be the Anox 51.0 7.9 3
I wanna be the Anti Christ 43.0 3.3 2
I wanna be the Apparition 58.0 7.8 2
I wanna be the Apple easy 45.0 5.5 2
I wanna be the Apprentice 52.7 8.3 12
I wanna Arcana of the Tarot 63.4 9.3 49
I Wanna be the Archimedes 61.5 5.1 2
I wanna arrange 47.5 7.1 3
I wanna arrive the Ambitious 35.7 7.7 17
I wanna be the Artist 34.3 4.0 6
I wanna be the as7h69dj8ewfhce93 42.6 7.3 13
asasfeagbhvawqbqreb 40.9 7.4 10
I Wanna Ascend The Christmas Tree 59.3 7.8 9
I wanna be the Ash 55.9 8.3 27
I wanna be the atmosphere 43.6 5.3 8
I wanna Attempted murder 56.3 6.7 13
I wanna be the Aura 25.7 7.4 100
i wanna avoid moyasi Trap 56.5 3.8 4
I wanna Awake 45.4 6.9 9
I wanna Ayp 55.2 7.4 5
I wanna be the B.L.U.E ice 48.1 5.2 10
I wanna be the back! 57.0 2.1 1
I wanna be the Bad! 36.6 6.1 5
I wanna be the Baffling 52.3 5.3 6
I wanna be the Baguette 71.4 6.2 9
I wanna be the Bahamudwun Lagoon 37.0 5.3 6
I wanna be the Ballistic 54.3 6.7 12
I wanna battle in tournament final 47.3 6.2 3
Battle Kid 2: Mountain of Torment 70.0 9.2 5
Battle Kid: Fortress of Peril 60.0 8.0 2
I wanna battle the cherryies 50.1 6.5 8
I wanna battle the cherryies -Outer- 71.7 6.2 4
I Wanna Be 1 in 100 61.0 8.0 15
I Wanna Be a Better Boshy 27.0 2.6 1
I wanna be a Big man! 85.0 3.6 9
I wanna be a Big Shot 57.1 9.1 27
I wanna be a Charr 90.3 7.9 14
I wanna be a little girl: yuri edition 56.8 4.3 5
I wanna be a Lunar 42.0 3.9 7
I wanna be a member of Nogizaka46! 32.0 4.5 4
I wanna be a Wonderful World 44.5 6.0 25
I wanna be Abducted 57.3 8.3 55
I wanna be Anime 55.3 8.0 31
I wanna be Assaulted 56.9 7.4 32
I wanna be balues 40.0 3.0 1
I wanna be called CuteMiku 55.0 5.0 5
I Wanna Be Drawn 42.9 8.3 21
I wanna be Easy! 17.3 6.5 32
I wanna be Friends 42.6 8.2 43
I Wanna Be Gaming! 32.2 2.7 5
I wanna be GENKI with you 44.1 8.4 77
I wanna be in heat and water world 45.0 4.5 1
I wanna be in Hyperworld!! 37.8 6.4 4
I wanna be Invincible 6.3 4.4 5
I Wanna Be Like Beautiful Starlight 60.1 4.0 9
I wanna be like Brisulph 44.3 5.3 13
I Wanna Be Like Brisulph: Remastered 46.0 7.5 4
I wanna Be Like Fragnaticc 30.0 5.0 4
I wanna be like Zoop 44.4 3.9 10
I wanna be Link! 32.5 1.3 2
I wanna be made by the Game maker 51.0 1.7 3
I wanna be Myself 51.9 7.8 17
I Wanna Be No Boss 70.0 2.0 3
I wanna be Persistent 69.0 6.4 3
I wanna be piece of the game ver.Easy 43.4 6.1 7
I wanna be Random 17.5 3.9 4
I wanna be Red 32.3 5.0 7
I wanna be Solid Snake 30.0 4.0 1
I wanna be soupreme 45.9 7.6 34
I wanna be surrounded by the sweet candy! 44.0 4.8 4
I wanna be the human 48.5 7.3 3
I wanna be Their Hope 64.0 4.0 3
I wanna be three years old 49.3 5.5 7
I wanna be Time Characters 63.6 6.7 10
I WANNA BE TIME GOLD PUSH!!!!!!!!! 38.0 1.0 2
I wanna be totemo kandan desu N/A N/A 1
I wanna be Undecided 68.3 8.2 11
I wanna be United 33.6 7.5 25
I wanna be well soon 16.5 6.0 15
I wanna be with you 55.5 7.3 4
I wanna be zebbe's secret Santa 23.5 6.1 13
I wanna be the Bear: Attack of the Girls 33.3 5.3 4
I wanna beat the Anhedonia 48.8 6.8 10
I wanna beat the Bouse 62.2 4.6 9
I wanna beat the mushcat 74.7 8.4 12
I wanna be the Beaver 38.0 5.4 17
I wanna Become the Vegetable 25.3 5.7 25
I wanna Become the Vegetable 2 38.7 6.5 24
I wanna Become the Vegetable 3 48.1 6.2 10
I Wanna Be The Beetle 45.7 4.8 4
I Wanna Be The Beginner Player 21.8 4.8 6
I wanna be the Beginner's Gocchan 2 25.8 6.6 5
I wanna be the Beginner's Gocchan 2 (Hard mode) 50.3 6.8 3
I wanna be the Beginners king 25.8 6.3 28
I wanna be the best adventure 62.5 3.0 11
I wanna be the Best Guy 48.5 4.4 33
I wanna be the Best Guy 2 50.8 7.1 14
I wanna be the Best Guy 3 52.5 7.5 13
I wanna be the Best Guy 4 66.8 7.2 21
i wanna be the best oof 48.0 3.5 5
I wanna be the Between groins 52.5 5.5 2
I Wanna be the BHG (共同開発) 50.4 7.1 29
I wanna bigger penis 46.2 8.5 68
I wanna be the Bingo 75.2 7.9 9
I wanna be the Biotope 69.8 7.9 28
I wanna be the Bird! 43.0 6.0 2
I wanna be the Bird! easy N/A N/A 2
I wanna Birthday the Cherry 32.0 7.2 22
I wanna birthday to alejo old 42.0 6.8 5
I wanna Biu! 41.3 7.8 15
I wanna be the Black 84.5 5.5 12
I wanna Black & White legendary pokemons 44.0 6.2 3
I wanna be the Black game 56.0 4.4 3
I wanna be the Black Knight 59.0 3.7 2
I wanna be the Black Rock Shooter 49.0 5.7 4
I wanna be the Black Room 65.0 6.7 4
I wanna be the Blind piles 38.0 7.4 3
I wanna be the Blizzard 41.6 9.0 38
I wanna be the Block 90.7 1.3 8
I wanna be the Blocktroid 35.0 7.5 30
I wanna be the Blocktroid 2 40.3 8.2 23
I wanna be the Blue coin mania saucer fulfill 48.8 6.1 7
I wanna be the Blue Yellow 61.0 3.5 5
I wanna be the Boing 32.0 7.9 4
I wanna BOMB the Summer Holiday 30.4 6.3 10
BONK: An Interactive Exposition 62.1 9.4 29
I wanna be the Boshy 67.2 8.1 194
Boshy 17 32.6 7.8 10
Boshy Remastered 46.0 4.6 31
Boshy Story 51.9 2.2 11
Boshy Strikes Back 38.3 5.3 11
Boshy the Game 41.8 1.7 7
I Wanna Be the Boshy: Literature Edition 80.0 0.7 3
I wanna be the Boss Hunter 60.0 6.6 3
I wanna be the Bowl 50.0 3.3 4
I wanna be the Box Trap 34.3 3.6 7
I wanna be the Box Trap second 34.8 5.7 11
I wanna be the Box Trap Third 29.1 6.0 12
I wanna Brainfuck 69.0 6.3 11
I wanna brake the Eight beelzebubs 60.3 4.2 17
I wanna be the brave 42.3 6.3 5
I wanna be the BRAVE GUY 47.3 6.3 4
I wanna Bread 36.3 7.9 139
I Wanna Break Bad 32.8 3.2 4
I wanna break the Apple king 42.8 6.6 5
I Wanna Break The Dimension 90.0 6.7 1
I wanna break the five wanna 46.7 5.0 8
I wanna break the five wanna (easy ver.) 35.0 5.0 3
I wanna break the five wanna 2 50.3 5.3 7
I wanna break the mashikaku 64.5 7.2 6
I wanna break the Nightmare world 48.4 8.0 10
I wanna break the RYS Factory 76.3 8.4 4
I Wanna Break The Series Z 3 87.0 6.6 45
I wanna break the White world 39.3 7.1 16
I wanna break the はかりん trap 59.0 5.5 2
I wanna be the Breaker! N/A N/A 1
I wanna be the Brown animal 39.0 7.8 14
I wanna be the Brummagem (2017) N/A N/A 1
I wanna be the BSP 66.0 1.5 2
I wanna be the BSP# 52.3 6.1 3
Budni 41.7 6.0 6
I wanna be the Bunkers 52.3 7.1 6
I wanna Burnmind 54.7 8.9 71
I wanna ButagoyaBattle 61.0 7.9 5
I Wanna Be the Butterfly 74.0 8.1 25
I wanna buy the Crayon 64.3 5.2 15
I wanna be the C. Z. Outrageousness 50.0 4.3 3
I Wanna be the Caladbolg 52.5 7.0 3
I wanna call me it. 69.6 8.0 45
I wanna Can't Stop 52.0 9.1 30
I wanna cancer cancer cancer 75.5 2.9 4
I wanna cancer cancer cancer 2 77.0 N/A 2
I wanna be the Capacity 59.6 8.1 6
I Wanna Be The Caretaker 47.7 8.8 47
I wanna Cast a Spell 55.9 8.0 9
I wanna be the Castle 57.7 2.4 3
I wanna be The Cat 49.2 9.2 49
I wanna catch 1 coin 65.0 7.8 2
I wanna catch pokemon 45.4 7.6 9
I Wanna Catch the Clown 53.6 8.5 31
I wanna be the CCC 35.0 3.5 1
I wanna celebrate 100 43.0 7.2 104
I wanna Celebrate 2023's Arrival 41.0 6.8 5
I wanna Celebrate Guille's Birthday 49.3 6.8 4
I wanna celebrate the kotaro's birthday 46.0 7.2 5
I wanna be the Chair 57.4 6.1 12
I Wanna Be the Chair 2 59.0 7.7 27
I wanna challenge 100 trials!! 28.2 7.1 155
I wanna be the challenge! FINAL N/A N/A 1
I wanna be the challenge!2 24.5 6.5 3
I wanna be the challenge!3 N/A N/A 1
I wanna be the Challenger 36.9 6.5 12
I Wanna Change A Lightbulb 46.8 8.3 21
I wanna change the future 35.0 6.3 26
I wanna change the seasons 47.3 5.5 5
I wanna change the world for TDJ 42.0 6.8 13
I wanna be the Chaos Gunners 41.5 6.1 3
I wanna chase my dream 18.2 7.0 11
I wanna chase the 3 thieves 44.7 7.3 8
I wanna be the Chess Master 39.8 5.7 13
Chicken Wanna Kick The Bucket 40.0 1.9 2
I wanna be the chieko 48.5 2.0 5
Chill Needle 2 58.0 8.9 56
I wanna be the Chloris 46.7 7.0 20
Christmas Deliveries 61.9 8.6 32
Christmas Deliveries 2 64.2 8.9 26
I wanna be the Christmas Present 28.9 4.4 8
Chungo's Gauntlet 31.5 9.2 68
I wanna be the Churatch 48.7 5.9 52
I wanna be the CielArc 50.8 6.6 5
I wanna be the Citadel 48.2 8.0 55
I wanna Classic 80.7 8.3 27
I Wanna Classic Adventure 38.9 7.9 33
I wanna clear 50 neon floors 57.3 7.6 72
I wanna be the clematis 35.4 7.7 8
I wanna be the cliarurclui 64.0 5.6 4
I wanna be the Clotho 43.0 8.2 18
I wanna be the Cloudburst 53.4 8.7 28
I wanna be the Co-op 59.6 9.4 99
I wanna be the Cocktail 43.7 9.2 29
I wanna CoinStack 1000 62.3 9.6 34
I wanna Collapse 40.6 5.7 5
I wanna collapse the Versum 57.6 9.0 22
I wanna collect 10 tips 53.6 6.8 7
I wanna collect 2 keys 41.7 8.0 4
I wanna collect 20 balls 39.5 7.4 11
I wanna collect the Candy!!! 28.5 4.2 9
I wanna collect the item games 48.6 5.4 6
I wanna collect the Piece 43.8 7.8 9
I Wanna Collect The Pixels 60.6 7.9 11
I Wanna Collect The Stars 50.5 7.4 11
I wanna collect the treasures 52.0 5.0 1
I wanna be the Color 65.7 6.0 25
I wanna be the colorful life 36.6 7.5 6
I wanna be the colorful MIKU 61.0 3.3 3
I wanna colorize the 4 stones 69.0 7.1 2
I wanna combine the 2 forces 64.7 8.4 6
I wanna come to the conclusion 51.3 9.2 35
I wanna be the coming of guy 39.5 5.8 5
I wanna Common Jump 44.6 6.3 10
I Wanna Be the Competitor 69.4 4.8 14
I wanna be the Computer 2! 36.8 7.6 6
I wanna be the Computer 9001 31.5 7.8 2
I wanna be the Computer! 27.5 4.3 2
I wanna be the Concept 43.7 5.5 8
I wanna congratulate summer vacation N/A N/A 2
I wanna congratulate the Commemoration 84.0 5.0 2
I wanna Connect 58.0 6.0 10
I wanna connect the Hearts 44.5 7.2 13
I wanna connect the world's Chain 45.0 6.3 2
I wanna be the Connoisseur 60.0 4.2 4
I wanna conquer my Fate 41.0 6.6 4
I wanna conquer the blow game 19.1 5.5 130
I wanna conquer the blow game 2 24.3 6.1 92
I wanna conquer the blow game 3 31.6 6.8 78
I Wanna Conquer this Autumn! 55.5 7.8 4
I wanna Conquer this Winter! 53.7 8.1 10
I wanna be the Conscience 60.0 7.3 24
I wanna be the Constraction 63.3 3.4 4
I wanna BE the Control 40.0 5.7 2
I wanna be the Cool guy 49.1 6.8 10
I wanna be the coolest 36.7 6.0 10
I wanna be the Copious 55.0 2.9 4
I wanna be the cosmos 70.0 5.9 4
I wanna CQ 45.7 5.6 23
I wanna craft in space!! 27.5 8.4 22
I wanna craft the Mine2 40.0 2.5 2
I Wanna Crash The Crates 19.1 8.1 30
I wanna be the creater-easy- 31.7 5.8 3
I wanna be the Creator 2: Bloody Knight 50.0 7.8 1
I wanna be the Crimson 74.2 7.2 81
I wanna be the Crimson kid 47.6 7.3 25
Crimson Needle 3 89.1 9.2 104
I wanna cruise the 6 islands 59.5 7.3 6
I wanna be the Crysis 42.3 7.5 45
I wanna be the Crystal 56.0 1.4 2
I Wanna Cute Jump! 71.9 8.5 9
I wanna be the Dagger's important person 37.0 4.8 5
I wanna be the DAIKON 48.0 7.1 7
DangerZone 45.0 5.2 2
I wanna be the DAREJAR 53.3 6.9 21
I wanna be the Dark Blue 31.0 6.4 125
Dark forces 35.0 3.3 2
I wanna be the dark town 55.0 6.8 2
I wanna dash the hardship 50.1 7.7 9
DAWN PASS 43.1 8.5 23
I wanna dead the hyper 62.8 7.4 8
I wanna be the Death Trap 44.5 2.4 3
I wanna be the Deathpelunker 体験版 50.0 1.9 4
I wanna dedicate to TNS 43.4 5.3 22
I Wanna Defeat The Eater Of Dreams 26.1 7.7 90
I wanna defeat the Pixel 57.0 6.4 2
I Wanna Defeat The Pixels 39.5 7.4 5
I Wanna Defeat The Robot 71.9 8.5 15
I Wanna Defeat The Second Family Members 90.0 7.1 14
I Wanna Defeat The Sinistar 57.8 5.1 4
I Wanna Defeat The Strongester 63.3 4.2 5
I wanna defeat the Surumeika 59.0 6.8 3
I wanna defeat the Villains 32.1 8.3 12
I wanna delete the Huge Bug 46.3 8.8 44
I wanna delete this game!! 38.3 8.7 5
I wanna be the Delight 47.0 5.0 1
I wanna deliver a Letter 48.0 6.6 28
I wanna demolish the Factory 47.9 7.2 9
I wanna be the Dendi 38.5 3.0 3
I wanna Derikea M's nostril hairs 41.0 4.0 2
I wanna be the Derpy 34.5 4.2 4
I wanna descend into Hell 55.8 6.7 15
I wanna descend the Shadow tower 48.0 6.2 4
I wanna be the Descry 41.7 4.2 17
I wanna be the Descry2 45.0 5.1 4
I wanna be the Descry3 38.0 7.4 3
I wanna be the Desert Paradise 54.0 7.4 20
Designer L's Wacky Randventure! 58.1 7.4 70
I wanna be the Desolation 75.0 8.4 6
I wanna be the Destination 84.1 7.6 55
I wanna be the Destiny 37.4 4.9 12
I wanna destroy the lab 65.0 4.8 3
I Wanna Destroy the Maelstrom 67.2 8.0 27
I Wanna Destroy the Station! 56.0 7.7 3
I Wanna Develop An Appreciation For Music 38.9 7.5 36
I wanna Deviate 48.2 7.7 13
I wanna be the Dieary 68.0 6.4 24
I wanna be the Differ 26.5 5.1 4
I wanna dip the Crusty Benis 55.6 6.2 10
DIRDKILL 50.6 8.2 12
I wanna be the Direct trap 47.8 5.6 5
I wanna discover the remains 61.8 6.4 5
I wanna be the disgust 74.0 8.0 7
I wanna be the Disk 47.8 7.3 6
I Wanna be the Disorder 74.0 6.6 3
I wanna Distort the Travesty 41.1 5.1 9
I wanna be the Distrust 66.2 4.4 7
I wanna be the Ditch Mouth Mutant 31.7 4.8 3
I wanna be the Ditch Mouth Mutant 2 33.7 5.2 3
i wanna be the ditch mouth mutant3 31.0 5.2 10
I wanna be the Diverse 52.6 7.7 49
divisive game 82.7 8.9 16
I wanna do Escapism 47.2 8.2 15
I wanna be the Dob 65.5 4.9 6
I wanna dodge the KICH Spike 29.8 6.0 17
I Wanna Be The Doetielast 55.0 8.4 2
I wanna dominate the Parallel World 46.5 4.1 4
Domu 61.2 9.0 87
Domu Ice 70.5 8.3 4
I wanna be the Donut 37.5 3.2 3
I Wanna Dorito 3 57.1 7.8 13
I wanna be the Dororich 60.0 5.8 2
I wanna be the Doublespeed 89.7 1.1 5
I wanna be the DRAGON QUEST 45.0 5.0 1
I wanna be the DRAGON QUEST Ⅱ そして天空へ 18.3 4.9 4
Draw My Fangame 46.5 8.7 3
Draw my Guy - FM 2023 49.3 9.1 13
Draw my Guy FGM Edition 32.3 7.9 24
I wanna draw the picture V1.0.0(demo) 32.5 2.3 3
I wanna Dream 63.6 7.8 21
Dream is my way N/A 6.0 1
I wanna Dream REMAKE 45.0 6.8 1
I wanna be the Dreamcatcher 34.5 6.8 32
I wanna be the Dreamer 39.1 6.9 15
I wanna dreamy state of mind 27.8 7.0 11
I Wanna be the Dreigonix 25.8 5.0 7
I wanna drink the TEA 50.0 4.4 8
I wanna be the Drivers 25.4 5.0 14
I Wanna Be The Dude N/A N/A 1
I wanna be the Dude! 33.8 6.7 12
I Wanna Duloxetine 59.4 8.5 55
I wanna E7N 41.9 7.1 16
I Wanna Be The Earthrise 51.8 8.3 11
I Wanna Be The Easy 50.0 1.0 5
I Wanna Easy Adventure 41.7 4.5 6
I wanna eat the Planet 36.6 6.6 30
I wanna eat the Sargassum fusiforme 39.5 6.0 6
I Wanna Eat the Slop 44.2 8.0 29
I wanna eat the worm 52.3 8.1 16
I wanna be the ebin 41.0 3.0 4
I wanna be the Echo 60.8 5.8 4
I Wanna Eclipse 57.1 9.0 70
I wanna be the Ecstasy 28.6 5.7 8
I wanna be the Eden 55.5 2.7 6
I wanna be the EDF 73.3 7.6 5
I wanna be the EDGE 100.0 1.4 4
I wanna be the EeOneGuy 25.0 4.4 7
I wanna be the Eggy! 32.4 6.0 5
I wanna be the Egoist 65.0 7.8 1
I wanna be the Eight cherrys 48.0 3.1 2
I wanna Elecspike 84.4 6.8 15
I wanna eliminate a virus 48.5 7.5 3
I wanna be the Emerald 35.0 3.3 2
Emergent Spark 45.0 6.2 4
I wanna be the Emotion 30.0 6.0 1
I Wanna Be the Emperor 85.8 8.0 18
Emperor Penguins 74.7 8.5 8
I wanna be the END 59.3 3.5 4
I Wanna End My Growth 33.6 8.5 49
I Wanna End the Blood Festival 68.1 5.4 19
I wanna be the Enderman! N/A 3.0 1
I wanna be the Endless 56.0 N/A 2
Endless Mirage Demo 32.6 8.7 20
I wanna enjoy a Merry Christmas! 37.3 8.0 11
I wanna enjoy Holy Christmas 30.0 6.8 2
I wanna enjoy my Holiday 48.2 7.7 12
I wanna enjoy my yellow shoes 49.1 6.3 11
I wanna enjoy my yellow shoes 2 49.4 7.3 9
I wanna Enjoy the Birthday of King 5 [Final] 72.5 8.6 3
I wanna enjoy the Excursion 69.7 4.2 10
I wanna enjoy the Game 19.6 4.5 91
I wanna enjoy the Game2 41.2 7.5 74
I wanna enjoy the Hyper Summer 35.0 7.3 5
I wanna enjoy the Trip 48.6 6.9 8
I Wanna Epic 25.0 1.1 7
Eppur Si Muove 61.5 7.5 7
Erik Is Nigh 39.0 7.6 20
I wanna Eris' Fruit 38.3 7.9 11
I wanna escape Endless Nightmare 30.8 7.0 17
I wanna escape from the Cat's castle 50.0 5.2 5
i wanna escape greeen cave (初心者用) 36.8 2.7 5
I Wanna Escape Heavenly Host 43.7 9.5 97
I Wanna Escape Into My Mind 49.9 9.2 65
I Wanna Escape My Dungeon 45.3 8.2 23
I Wanna Escape The Blind Forest N/A N/A 1
I wanna escape the Castle 60.0 6.5 1
I wanna escape the fantasy world 30.0 5.1 3
I Wanna Escape The Foundry 55.0 6.7 9
I Wanna Escape The Haunted Mansion 51.1 6.5 14
I wanna escape the labo 41.5 6.4 4
I Wanna Escape The Manor 63.0 9.2 30
I wanna escape the mansion 33.8 7.1 28
I Wanna Escape the Mysterious House 34.6 5.1 33
I wanna escape the red world 64.5 5.8 3
I Wanna Escape the Silver Tower 47.2 6.2 18
I wanna escape the Unknown world 47.7 8.7 5
I wanna escape the Western house 40.0 6.6 11
I Wanna Establish Capitalism 76.6 5.0 11
I Wanna Be The Eternal Quest! 45.0 8.6 10
I wanna be the Eternity Glory 35.1 6.9 15
I wanna be the Evangelion 57.0 7.1 1
I wanna be the Evolution 54.0 1.8 4
I wanna be the evolution 38.2 6.6 10
I wanna be the Excellent Person 4 45.0 7.7 4
I wanna exist the top 46.5 6.4 2
I wanna Exit from Here 37.9 7.6 19
I wanna exit the Cave 33.8 2.1 4
I wanna be the Experience 32.2 5.7 39
I Wanna Experience The Butterfly Effect 54.7 8.8 16
I wanna explone the asteroid 53.5 5.9 3
I wanna explore Atlantis with Chrisay 45.1 8.0 12
I wanna Explore Space 48.3 7.7 17
I wanna explore the cave 51.3 6.3 4
I wanna explore the seven wonders 57.5 7.6 10
I wanna be the Explorer2 79.8 5.6 17
I Wanna Exterminate the Monsters 60.0 5.4 3
I wanna be the Extreme 31.7 2.3 3
Extreme Depths 2 66.4 8.3 26
I wanna be the Eyebrow 47.0 8.1 7
Ezamur 59.1 8.4 12
I wanna be the FA 44.3 7.2 5
I wanna fa trap 2 28.3 7.5 31
Faded envy and indistinct ideals 60.8 8.6 18
I wanna be the Failire 53.7 6.0 4
I wanna be the Fancy 45.8 8.0 20
Fangame the Game 45.4 6.0 11
I wanna be the Fangame! 45.0 7.3 64
I wanna be the Fangame! Easter Edition 50.0 6.1 3
I wanna be the Fangame! Expert Remix 60.0 7.0 2
I wanna be the Farewell 76.5 8.5 15
I wanna be the Fastest Guy 40.5 5.7 9
I wanna be the FC 36.5 7.3 17
I wanna be the Feather flow 55.0 6.9 2
I wanna be the feather trap 41.0 5.9 3
I wanna be the Fec 60.0 5.2 4
I wanna feel my hero 81.5 6.5 2
I wanna Feel the Guy 55.0 7.6 4
I wanna feel the Season 52.8 6.5 5
I wanna Festival 33.1 5.9 7
i wanna be the FF 68.5 1.2 3
I Wanna FfFfFf 69.0 7.7 3
I wanna be the Fight 23.5 6.0 6
I wanna Figure 84.1 8.6 33
I Wanna File The Restraining Order 44.3 4.3 3
I Wanna Fill In The Blanks 35.3 8.0 37
I Wanna Fill in the Blanks 2 48.4 9.0 17
I wanna be the Final 63.0 6.0 2
I wanna Be The Final End 38.6 3.6 7
I Wanna Find a Cure 56.5 8.5 60
I wanna find and kill Jack 22.0 3.5 2
I wanna Find Gold 40.1 6.8 26
I wanna find magic watermelon 52.3 7.4 8
Find My Answer 76.1 8.7 23
I wanna find my Destiny 62.0 9.1 77
I wanna find my Name 33.3 5.1 5
I wanna find my presents 48.3 7.4 9
I wanna find out who made this fangame! 36.5 6.0 8
I wanna find the Beautiful town 51.0 3.5 3
I wanna find the First story 44.0 1.6 2
I wanna find the Guy 43.7 8.0 8
i wanna find the mercury 45.9 4.5 10
I wanna find the Ryo- 50.0 4.5 2
I wanna find the Sealed power 52.8 3.6 7
I Wanna Fine-House 38.4 8.9 33
I wanna fingers 20.3 6.5 13
I wanna be the Finite 55.3 7.3 17
Firdos 91.0 N/A 2
I wanna be the fire chicken 42.0 4.7 1
I Wanna be the First 16.7 3.8 3
I wanna be the first 52.5 6.1 2
I wanna be the First world 19.5 6.5 10
I wanna be the Flash Game 44.7 4.3 12
I Wanna Be The Flippyflppy 2 41.0 6.6 3
I wanna be the Flow 20.4 6.0 38
I wanna be the Flower 66.7 5.4 19
I Wanna Fly 44.6 5.8 8
I wanna fly the Kite 54.2 6.3 9
I wanna fly the Sky 75.0 4.5 3
I wanna fly with a friend N/A N/A 2
I Wanna Follow The Story 8.1 1.9 10
I Wanna Follow The World 63.7 6.9 7
I wanna be the Forehead 55.5 6.6 25
I wanna be the Forehead 2 64.1 6.9 21
I wanna be the Forever 53.3 7.8 13
I wanna formulate the Categorical Imperative 42.6 5.7 10
I Wanna Be The Forsenbaj 36.1 5.2 8
I Wanna Be The Forsenbaj 2 47.2 7.9 17
I wanna be the Fortress 41.0 1.2 3
I Wanna Be the Fortress Returns 41.4 4.4 27
I wanna be the Foundation 44.4 3.5 5
I wanna be the freabliach story 62.0 6.2 1
I wanna be the freabliach story2 68.0 3.3 1
I Wanna Free the Fortress 59.0 8.3 10
I wanna Freezemind 61.1 9.1 58
I wanna be the Freezingtrap 49.3 5.4 3
I wanna be the fresh green 51.0 6.8 12
I wanna friend 30.0 1.8 4
I wanna be the friend shrine 49.4 6.2 5
I wanna be the Fruits 50.0 8.0 1
I wanna be the Fuckerball 58.6 1.9 10
Full Techno Jackass 54.9 8.8 42
fumblness 55.0 7.9 3
Fumo just a week away 33.0 6.6 8
I wanna G the POS 45.4 4.8 8
I wanna be the gai-n N/A N/A 1
I wanna gain the ability 57.4 8.9 16
I wanna be the Galaxy 60.8 8.3 33
I wanna be the game 45.0 5.8 1
I Wanna Game Jam 1 - Magic/Fantasy 52.5 9.1 9
I Wanna Be The Game of All Time 71.0 9.0 3
Game Portal 41.0 5.9 3
I wanna be the Game Terminator 56.5 2.8 3
I wanna be the Game Terminator 2 62.0 1.4 3
I wanna be the game.exe N/A 2.5 2
I wanna gameover 49.1 8.8 39
I wanna gaze at the Horizon 82.4 7.5 12
I wanna be the GB 53.5 4.3 28
I Wanna Be The GBC 76.2 8.6 36
I wanna be the Genie Temple 26.7 0.6 8
i wanna be the genius 2 48.0 4.5 2
i wanna be the genius 3 45.0 4.8 3
I wanna be the gentle 55.5 6.7 2
I wanna get a tree 35.7 6.6 15
I wanna get back my lost assets 57.0 3.6 9
I wanna get back the Rainbow 45.0 7.0 1
I wanna get carrot 52.7 6.8 4
I wanna Get CultCultCult 57.0 7.5 15
I wanna get Cultured 54.9 7.0 155
I Wanna Get Cultured 2 71.7 9.1 104
I wanna get Freedom 23.6 6.8 22
I Wanna Get Groovy 24.8 6.8 8
I wanna get over the Ordeal 47.4 7.3 7
I wanna get Rekt 65.0 9.1 56
I wanna get Some Money 50.0 8.5 2
I wanna get the Black gun 40.4 3.9 10
I Wanna Get The Coins 48.6 8.5 40
I wanna get the Color N/A 2.9 3
I wanna get the coolStar 28.2 7.1 15
I wanna get the coolstar 3 45.5 7.1 8
I wanna get the coolstar2 40.3 7.4 4
I wanna get the Five stars! 35.9 7.1 11
I wanna get the gold ribbon 40.5 6.7 16
I wanna get the hidden treasure 34.3 5.1 3
I wanna get the microwave 53.7 7.7 3
I wanna get the OOPARTS 50.0 2.0 2
I wanna get the OOPARTS 2 50.0 2.0 2
I wanna get the OOPARTS III -Yuuutu Remade- 52.7 7.2 34
I wanna get the Piece 34.7 6.2 7
I wanna get the Pink egg 29.9 6.2 9
I wanna get the Rainbow feather 26.8 6.2 54
I wanna get the RYOTA's Heart 37.0 6.1 11
I wanna get the Shooting Star 46.5 8.0 12
I wanna get the Yellow Star 33.2 6.4 87
I wanna get the zero tower 20.6 1.2 7
I wanna get thug life 59.8 7.7 11
I wanna be the get treasure 42.8 1.7 12
I wanna be the get treasure2 43.0 1.7 5
I Wanna Be The Ghostbuster 17.0 4.3 1
I wanna GHQ 41.3 4.1 4
I wanna Give and Take 49.3 9.2 4
I Wanna Give Chatran a Present! 40.4 7.6 15
I wanna give present 一般公開用 32.0 7.2 6
I wanna be the gives the blessing 34.0 6.2 6
I wanna be the Glorious Fragment 48.3 4.9 4
I wanna be the GNH 55.0 7.2 3
I wanna go across the Rainbow 42.5 7.5 122
I wanna Go Ahead! 51.6 8.2 19
I wanna go back home 45.6 5.5 5
I wanna go back home! 31.5 3.0 3
I wanna go back to reality 48.8 5.1 7
I Wanna Go Back To Sleep 65.0 8.4 3
I wanna go BANANAS! 51.5 7.2 32
I Wanna Go Camping 50.7 7.5 9
I wanna go End of the World 51.8 7.3 10
I wanna go for a walk 34.8 6.4 6
I Wanna Go For Another Ride 46.8 7.3 30
I wanna Go Frantic 48.1 8.5 20
I wanna go home 28.8 3.8 4
I Wanna Go On A Magical Adventure - Game Jam Demo 51.9 8.5 12
I Wanna Go Outside 30.7 6.3 4
I wanna Go Places 58.0 6.9 5
I wanna go Terazone 52.8 6.8 6
I wanna go the brothel 29.2 6.2 19
I wanna go the different world ver1.1 42.0 6.4 2
I wanna go the DotKid! 78.8 6.1 21
I wanna go the going 32.5 3.5 2
I wanna go the gold cave 56.0 3.6 2
I wanna go the goldkonkanworld 57.5 1.3 4
I wanna go the Heaven 65.3 3.8 4
i wanna go the jack world 55.0 3.8 8
I wanna go the Magical journey 5.7 4.7 38
I wanna go the nikoniko 43.3 6.8 4
I wanna go the Parallel World 56.1 7.4 28
I wanna go the Pleasure garden 36.8 7.2 4
I wanna go the Shiratama world 44.3 5.4 7
I wanna go the sky 45.0 5.0 1
I wanna go the sky2 43.5 5.2 3
I wanna go the Spook House 26.7 8.0 92
I wanna go the Spookventure 50.2 8.8 35
I wanna go the trap way 30.9 6.6 30
I wanna go the Trap Way 2 33.9 7.2 23
I Wanna Go The Twourney 56.8 7.8 23
I wanna go the unknown world 2 72.0 6.7 4
I Wanna Go The Variety Medley Remake 54.0 6.8 3
I wanna go the west mountain ver0.01 26.7 5.2 3
I wanna go to dusk sky 42.0 6.0 4
I wanna go to night sky 40.3 7.5 13
I wanna go to NI☆JI☆GE☆N 21.3 7.2 5
I wanna go to origin 50.0 7.0 1
I wanna go to the Bed 34.2 3.1 6
I Wanna Go To The End Of The Earth 51.0 5.2 3
I wanna go to the faiyaa 41.7 3.0 4
I wanna go to the koumakan 59.3 5.9 3
I wanna go to the quantum world 64.2 8.1 11
I wanna go Toram 36.5 2.5 2
I wanna go without a Loss 42.0 4.2 7
I wanna go without a Loss difficult mode 55.6 5.4 5
I wanna be the GOBOU 45.2 8.2 14
I wanna be the GR 72.3 5.6 34
I Wanna Graduate From Beginners 26.9 7.6 30
I Wanna Graduate From DT 35.7 6.4 34
I wanna be the Grani 45.7 8.5 10
I wanna be the Grass 49.8 5.4 4
I wanna be the Graverobber 35.3 8.5 50
I wanna be the Gravity Master 32.5 4.9 4
Great Gorilla’s war 43.0 7.8 2
I wanna be the Great reception 40.0 3.8 2
I wanna be the Green Moon 40.8 5.2 33
I wanna be the Groovy 42.4 5.3 27
I wanna Grow Up 45.0 8.0 40
I wanna be the Guerrerum: The Challenge 47.5 5.0 2
I Wanna Be The Guerrerum: The Ultimate N/A N/A 1
I wanna be the Guidance 50.0 1.9 2
I wanna be the Gun Fighter 78.1 6.3 9
I wanna be the Gun Master 45.0 5.5 3
GunDude Game 43.3 7.2 5
I wanna be THE GUNFIGHTER 100.0 0.0 4
I wanna be the Guy 42.4 6.8 134
I Wanna Be The Guy (Hard Boss) 19.0 2.9 2
I wanna be the Guy Clone 37.0 3.0 4
i wanna guy cosmo 39.0 5.0 8
I wanna be the Guy Evo Fangame 57.0 0.2 4
I Wanna Be The Guy Fan Made 52.0 2.3 4
I Wanna Be The Guy Remastered 42.9 8.9 117
I wanna be the Guy the New Kid 30.0 0.6 4
Guy Wanna The Be I Fangame 28.5 6.6 3
I wanna be the guy! Flash Version 40.5 0.8 2
I wanna be the Guy2 15.7 2.5 3
I wanna be the Guy:Gaiden(本家2) 45.3 7.1 31
I wanna hahaha 36.0 7.7 3
I wanna be the Halation 32.4 7.5 5
I wanna be the hanamogeta 58.8 8.9 36
I wanna be the Hapiiness! 31.8 3.8 8
I wanna Happy Birthday Mario. 20.0 6.0 1
I wanna have a good time 63.0 8.2 9
I wanna have a good time easy ver 52.1 8.3 14
I wanna have a good WiFi 41.8 8.7 50
I wanna have a Happy Halloween !! 67.0 7.0 2
I wanna have a happy valentine 33.4 7.9 14
I wanna have a Random Adventure 26.8 6.2 23
I wanna have an adventure with sister 32.3 8.3 22
I wanna have feathers 2 47.1 4.9 17
I wanna have fun in 2018 41.0 7.2 10
I wanna have fun whit the guy 27.0 5.2 4
I wanna have it finished 52.0 6.0 2
I wanna be the Heady 61.0 3.6 3
I wanna be the Heart 32.7 5.9 23
Hearty Jewel 54.1 8.4 23
I wanna be the HeavenTrap 60.4 7.1 26
I wanna be the HeavenTrap2 48.5 7.3 40
I wanna be the Hell Trap 45.0 5.0 1
I wanna help the Fairy tale 24.2 6.8 50
I Wanna be the Hereditary Baldness 64.6 6.1 8
I wanna be the Hereditary Baldness 2 69.6 6.3 14
I wanna be the Hero (judal1) 22.3 5.3 4
I wanna be the Hero - Again 47.7 8.3 15
I wanna be the Herp Derp 42.2 7.4 10
I Wanna Heyan Trapventure 51.9 8.7 13
I Wanna Heyan Trapventure 2 36.6 8.4 13
I wanna Hibikusuku 45.9 8.7 29
Hipatya In I wanna world 26.1 6.4 12
History Of Meme Essence 45.0 5.0 2
I wanna be the HiyokoTrap 62.5 4.8 3
Holocene Juveniliax 71.0 9.3 6
Honyarara 53.2 8.2 22
I Wanna Hope the 80.0 6.9 4
I wanna Hope the easyType 66.7 7.1 3
I Wanna Hope the End Of 72.8 5.8 19
I wanna be the Horror Holler 早くやりなよ 58.2 5.0 6
I wanna be the Huge 53.3 4.0 4
I wanna be the Humantic 66.1 6.9 14
Humble Abode 69.5 7.9 26
I Wanna Be The Hungrytag 38.4 7.7 26
I wanna be the Hurtful Pain easy version 60.0 8.3 4
I wanna be the Hyper FINAL ~end kid~ 70.0 4.5 3
I wanna be the I 54.3 6.7 8
I accidentally a fanGame 67.0 5.3 2
I am here 26.4 7.8 19
I I Wanna Be The Black Inspissated 75.0 6.0 3
I don't wanna be a Bad Game N/A N/A 1
I don't wanna be the Father 33.5 7.3 2
I Don't Wanna Be The Gay 55.6 7.9 19
I Don't Wanna Be The Guy 32.0 4.7 1
I don't wanna be the pu full ver.1.0 60.7 5.3 7
I don't wanna Repeat 2 45.0 2.5 2
I dun wanna be Anything 75.3 7.3 19
I Dun Wanna be Anything 2 74.1 9.1 37
I I wanna get the Evolution 30.5 5.3 5
I love stick man 40.0 6.0 1
I wanna be the i wanna 40.0 4.0 1
I Wannna Enter The Avganista Remake 54.5 7.5 6
I wannyaaaaaaaaaa 41.3 7.8 39
I want 60.1 8.3 55
I want a lot of meat 27.5 4.8 2
I want to be the Demake N/A 1.0 1
I want to be the Skill Player 31.6 7.6 17
i Want to Explore the Wacky Spice cabinet 45.0 7.6 3
I Want To Fit In 56.8 7.8 10
I Want to Meet Miki 48.9 8.6 31
I want to play in Moderation 43.6 4.5 5
I wanted to make the Sprites 53.1 6.9 17
I'm bored 2 41.4 8.4 14
I'm bored: The game 43.8 7.1 4
I wanna be the Ice white 35.8 4.9 6
I wanna be the Iconoclast 60.0 3.2 4
I wanna be THE iDOLM@STER 71.2 6.9 15
I wanna be the ignorant 66.3 4.8 5
I wanna be the ignorant easy mode 57.0 6.1 2
Imitation 64.0 6.6 5
I wanna immanentize the Eschaton 38.3 6.5 13
I wanna improve my eyesight. 62.5 3.3 4
In Search Of More Dangerous Toys 51.8 8.8 34
I wanna be the Incimex 61.3 2.4 9
I wanna inferior 50.0 6.0 2
I wanna be the Infinity Trap 39.7 6.1 4
I wanna be the Innovator 41.7 4.9 5
I wanna be the Interaction 67.1 7.7 21
I wanna Interference 65.0 6.6 4
I wanna be the Intermediate 69.0 5.7 2
I wanna be the Internet 45.0 1.2 4
I wanna invasion the Youmu 42.0 7.0 2
Is sounds like... 30.0 7.0 3
It's Not Needle! 36.3 8.6 13
I wanna be the Ivan 44.0 5.1 4
iwanna be the small world2 35.0 5.8 1
iwanna in the adventureworld 25.0 4.2 3
Iwanna play the game 67.3 3.7 8
IWBTG - prologue 33.0 2.5 3
IWBTG3D 13.0 4.4 11
I wanna be the J&J 80.2 5.7 5
I Wanna Be The Jaeby 42.0 6.2 1
I wanna be the japanese sweets 100.0 2.0 2
I wanna be the Japanese sword 56.7 6.3 7
Jason Enjoys The Witch's Dangerous Dandies 55.8 8.7 28
Jason's Journey 50.0 7.3 31
I Wanna Be The Jerma 28.8 5.1 7
I wanna Jerryfish 20.4 7.7 66
I wanna be the jicforgot 37.0 4.0 6
Jingle Jam 55.5 8.6 61
I Wanna Be the JK 57.0 5.7 6
I wanna be the JK2 45.0 6.8 2
I wanna be the JK3 48.3 6.8 4
I wanna be the Job Master 30.6 7.4 8
Johnathan Game 2 55.0 8.0 3
I wanna be the Jonny 45.7 6.1 3
I wanna be the Journey 46.0 5.4 2
I Wanna Journey Where The Wind Takes Me 61.3 7.4 9
I wanna be the Jumble 47.3 6.0 7
I wanna be the Jumble2 42.4 7.7 14
I wanna jump the Shark 52.5 6.3 20
I wanna jump the Shark 2 60.8 8.3 26
I wanna be the June 58.5 2.4 3
JungleKID 61.9 8.5 15
I wanna be the Justice 69.3 7.7 53
I wanna be the Justice easy ver 50.8 8.2 28
I wanna be the Justice easy ver Randomiser 50.0 9.0 2
I wanna be the Justice Guy 79.2 9.3 42
I Wanna Be The Justice! 47.5 0.0 3
I wanna be the K2M2 40.0 5.3 6
Kafaldaf 33.5 7.3 2
I wanna be the Kaikun 61.7 5.5 3
I wanna be the kaizo 33.5 7.1 2
I Wanna Be The Kaizo 1V 42.6 7.9 13
I wanna Kakachick 52.7 3.2 4
I wanna be the Kamilia Christmas 35.0 6.5 27
I wanna be the KAS 44.9 3.4 14
I wanna be the Kataribe 34.5 7.7 25
I Wanna Be The Kazakhstan 57.8 1.0 12
I Wanna Be The Kazakhstan 2: The Box 63.0 7.6 7
I Wanna Be The Kazakhstan 3: Destructive Crust Treatment 66.7 6.8 6
I Wanna Keep the Rhythm 35.7 8.2 4
I wanna be the Keikyu Line 71.0 3.5 1
I wanna be the KEITH(制作中止) 40.0 4.0 1
I wanna be the KEn-G skillupper 26.9 4.4 9
I wanna be the Keyboard 62.4 0.8 10
I wanna kickass Dr.Cherry 40.0 6.2 6
I wanna kickass Dr.Cherry2 44.0 9.3 3
I wanna be the Kid N/A N/A 1
I Wanna be the Kid Escape 6.6 6.9 25
I Wanna be the Kid Escape 2 26.5 8.3 5
I wanna be the Kid helps Latios and Latias 35.6 6.0 5
Kid Story 3.2 7.4 11
Kid World 35.7 7.5 17
I wanna kill 10000 pomu 66.7 4.5 4
I wanna KILL BOWSER 35.3 5.2 6
I wanna kill King Blue 44.7 7.8 9
I Wanna Kill Originality 82.6 4.6 12
I Wanna Kill Raisin Udongein Inaba 14.5 2.5 2
I Wanna Kill Stink Terios 46.7 7.6 6
I wanna kill tha sonic.exe 10.5 2.6 6
I wanna kill the 3sweepor 57.4 8.7 50
I Wanna Kill The Awsl 59.6 7.1 11
I Wanna Kill The BLB 2: Nemesis Tamatou 46.4 8.1 25
I Wanna Kill The Blue Mage 2 63.8 8.5 30
I wanna kill the Boshy 37.0 3.6 2
I wanna kill the boukire 34.2 5.2 6
I Wanna KILL The CEO Of RACISM!! 58.0 3.1 7
I wanna kill the cherry king 33.8 3.8 5
I Wanna Kill The Crazy Frog 55.0 8.1 9
I wanna kill the dark lord 50.2 5.7 5
I wanna kill the Evil god 39.0 3.0 1
I Wanna Kill The Ex-Friends! 35.0 4.5 3
I wanna kill the game maker studio 39.0 4.0 3
I Wanna Kill The Genesis 71.4 8.4 17
I wanna kill the Guy 47.2 9.2 140
I wanna kill the Happil 97.2 5.2 38
I wanna kill the Kamilia 48.8 5.7 100
I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 2 80.6 8.1 114
I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 3 91.3 7.9 157
I wanna kill the Kermit 75.1 7.5 30
I wanna kill the Kermit 2 71.1 8.5 61
I Wanna Kill the Kermit 3 80.0 9.3 48
i wanna kill the king of moyasi 60.0 3.1 2
I wanna kill the KingTheSlendyKiller 58.0 6.4 5
I Wanna Kill The Last Boss 57.4 5.6 14
I Wanna Kill The Last Boss 1.5 43.0 6.0 3
I wanna kill the Machine 35.2 7.7 14
I Wanna Kill The Meat Boy 49.1 8.9 14
I wanna kill the Memes N/A N/A 2
I Wanna Kill The Michael 51.4 8.5 13
I wanna kill the minesweepor 42.6 7.3 36
i wanna kill the moyasi 39.0 3.6 2
I wanna kill the ocean pigeon 54.7 7.7 8
I Wanna Kill The Pinapplegod1 31.8 6.5 12
I wanna kill the Poop 34.7 4.7 8
I wanna kill the Shadow Queen 16.4 3.4 8
I wanna kill the Shiratama Demo 55.0 4.7 3
I Wanna Kill the Sudoku 56.5 5.5 44
I wanna kill the troll king 49.3 8.9 37
I Wanna Kill The Witch 81.0 5.6 6
I wanna Kill Those Funkers 10.0 1.5 4
I wanna be the Killdens 55.0 2.8 3
I wanna King 2 50.8 7.0 6
I wanna be the King! 81.0 1.7 2
I wanna be the Kirwy 51.3 5.2 20
I wanna be the knight in shining armor 40.7 8.9 65
I wanna know about You more 37.3 4.5 5
I Wanna Know If She Is Still Alive 38.3 4.0 7
I wanna know the cave or sky 39.5 3.9 4
I wanna Know the Truth 55.0 3.0 1
I wanna know what's in my Desktop 32.9 9.2 40
I wanna be the Koi 69.7 6.6 4
I wanna be the Koramune trap 35.9 6.0 7
I wanna be the Korean 40.0 2.5 2
I wanna be the ksk N/A N/A 1
I wanna be the Kukulu 33.5 3.0 5
Kyle's I Wanna Be The Guy 12.0 0.1 1
La-Mulana physics mod for IWBTGR 58.5 9.6 3
Lapland 45.6 6.5 7
I wanna be the last 65.0 8.0 2
I Wanna Leave This Hell 63.9 9.0 20
I Wanna Be The Ledenou 24.5 3.6 7
I wanna be the LemonTrap 72.5 7.3 5
Let Alone Needle 56.5 6.8 5
I wanna let my balloons go 50.7 8.2 23
I wanna be the Library 55.0 7.2 2
I wanna Light the Torch 40.0 7.5 3
I wanna lighthearted little adventure 42.7 1.8 3
Lighty The War 50.0 5.7 2
I wanna little adventure 33.8 7.1 6
I wanna be the Little Devil 66.0 5.8 2
I Wanna Be The Little Hippo 30.0 3.6 4
I wanna be the Little runner 22.4 7.4 157
I wanna little story 15.6 6.0 8
I wanna Live 54.8 8.1 15
I wanna live the game 26.8 6.9 4
I wanna be the Lizardmanmaster 59.0 4.2 4
I wanna be the Lizardmanmaster Remake 44.7 5.8 4
I wanna be the Lizardmanmaster2 60.0 5.5 3
I wanna be the Lizardmanmaster2 Remake 43.8 5.7 6
I wanna be the Lizardmanmaster5 Love ragi!! with mini story 48.3 6.1 4
I wanna be the Lizardmanmaster8 with mini story2 36.7 6.3 5
I wanna be the Lobelia 55.0 1.0 2
I wanna be the Locus 70.9 5.5 22
I wanna be the Lolicon 23.3 8.0 4
I wanna be the Loneliness 33.4 6.0 11
I wanna be the Long 38.8 6.0 5
I Wanna Look Inside 57.4 8.3 31
I wanna be the Lost friend 41.7 4.0 4
I wanna love Reisen 33.3 7.2 5
I wanna love the MMO 27.9 7.1 12
I wanna Love the Winter 20.3 6.8 14
I wanna Love the Winter 2 21.2 8.2 99
I wanna be the LoveAE-RYRC 46.0 6.7 31
I wanna be the LoveTrap 91.8 6.4 24
LSDKid 53.7 6.5 4
I wanna be the LTI 36.4 4.0 13
I wanna be the Luene's Community Commemoration easymode 61.0 1.7 1
I wanna be the Luoppgh 60.0 3.3 2
I wanna be the Luster 45.0 7.2 2
I wanna be the M 50.0 6.0 2
I wanna be the M 2 69.0 8.0 14
I wanna be the M,E 2 51.6 5.9 5
I wanna be the Machinary 26.8 8.3 73
I wanna be the Macho! 40.0 6.4 4
I wanna be the mad dream 58.5 7.5 2
I wanna be the Mage 45.0 0.5 4
I wanna be the Magic Girl 57.0 4.2 4
I wanna be the Magnanimity 65.4 6.3 18
I wanna make a good trap game 40.7 7.5 4
I wanna make a good trap game 2 38.2 7.5 8
I wanna make a Sandwich 50.0 8.5 59
I Wanna Make It Breaking Out 75.6 5.4 19
I wanna make the Chaos! N/A N/A 1
I wanna make the Future!! 50.0 6.0 1
I wanna make the Little easy game 41.3 0.8 4
I wanna make the Mystory 50.0 N/A 1
I wanna make the Novelty 49.9 6.8 30
I wanna make the Novelty Ⅱ 47.6 7.0 20
I wanna make waves 20.0 6.5 2
I Wanna Maker 38.3 9.6 104
I Wanna Be The Mango 48.5 1.7 4
MANSNOG 27.8 7.0 5
I wanna be the MAo Trap 71.5 7.0 7
I Wanna Be The Mario OFFICIAL 36.8 5.6 4
I wanna be the Mario: The Prequel 62.0 0.1 2
I wanna be the Marvelous Gunners 58.5 7.6 3
I wanna be the Mascarpone 43.7 6.5 23
I wanna master the GWTN 90.0 3.0 1
I wanna be the MasterPiece 35.0 6.2 12
I Wanna be the Matryoshka 64.7 7.8 18
I Wanna be the Matryoshka Special Edition 53.1 7.3 15
I wanna be the MAX!! N/A N/A 1
I wanna be the mayonnaise(マヨネーズ) 49.0 5.7 3
I Wanna Be the Maze 87.1 3.8 20
I wanna be the MC 23.4 5.4 24
I wanna be the Mean Fag 65.0 5.5 5
I wanna be the meat Goodbye! 46.7 7.5 4
I Wanna MedlMedlMedl 55.5 8.4 36
I wanna meet the Image of music 48.3 3.7 4
I Wanna meet the Orion 60.2 6.9 5
I wanna be the megalovania 50.0 4.2 2
I WANNA BE THE MEGAMAN beta 0.1 31.0 5.2 1
I wanna be the Melancholy 51.2 4.0 7
I wanna be the Memory Temple 47.8 5.6 11
I wanna be the Men 53.3 2.9 3
I wanna be the MENACE 63.0 2.0 1
I wanna be the meowbahh 35.5 5.2 3
I wanna be the Messiah 65.0 5.3 4
Metal World 65.0 3.5 4
I wanna be the Metamorphosis 66.6 8.7 51
I wanna be the metaphor 48.7 7.7 10
Michael Wanted To Be The Guy 55.2 6.6 7
I wanna be the Micromedley 53.2 8.4 62
I wanna Mikan 31.0 6.6 3
i wanna mindsword 53.3 6.1 3
I Wanna Be The Mindweaver 59.7 5.8 8
Mini Boshy with love 63.3 3.1 6
Mini map 42.3 4.7 5
I wanna be the Mini spirit 26.3 5.5 22
MiniMetroidvania 4 64.4 9.1 13
I wanna be the Miracle 59.0 6.4 6
I wanna be the mistake 44.0 5.7 6
I Wanna Be The MIWG 38.5 3.0 2
I Wanna Mix the Colors 62.3 7.8 5
I wanna be the MIX! 25.7 4.7 6
I wanna be the MOCHUMOCHU 41.3 8.3 7
Monmouth Has Frozen Over And So Have I 57.0 9.2 13
I Wanna Be The Moomoo N/A 4.3 1
I Wanna Be The Moon-Free God 35.0 6.0 2
i wanna be the moonlight in the snow 63.0 N/A 1
I wanna more over Tomorrow 41.0 4.2 3
I wanna Mornin!! 48.6 7.6 25
I wanna be the Moster 65.7 7.4 13
I Wanna Be The Mountain Man 63.0 5.4 7
I wanna be the MOYASHI 42.5 5.1 2
I wanna be the MPS 48.5 3.4 4
I wanna be the multicultural 12.0 0.1 2
I wanna be the Multiplier N/A 1.9 2
Muri Exhibition 85.0 6.2 7
Mutang's UU Game 39.7 4.4 6
My best gun 28.0 8.3 3
My Friends Will Cry 19.5 4.2 2
I wanna be the Name 59.4 7.8 21
I wanna be the Nara 58.0 4.7 1
I wanna be the Natural 56.0 3.5 4
I wanna be the Nature 43.3 5.2 9
Needlemas 3 31.8 5.0 6
I wanna be the Neet 71.0 4.5 3
I wanna be the NegiTrap 77.5 3.7 4
I wanna be the Negotiator 47.3 6.6 5
I wanna be the Nervous 60.7 3.2 8
I wanna be the NES 20.3 2.8 11
I wanna be the New 52.2 8.4 30
New Crazy I Wanna Kill The Kamilia™ 1.5 Remastered Gold Deluxe Warped DLC 2 Enhanced & Knuckles Featuring Dante From Devil May Cry K Ver+ (New Funky Mode Included) 48.3 7.2 8
New Mini Kongkongi's Adventure 26.4 6.6 21
New Mini Kongkongi's Adventure(2019 ver) 23.0 5.6 6
New I Wanna Be The Weegee 70.6 9.1 17
I wanna be the Newclear 55.0 7.2 9
I wanna be the Nida 60.0 4.8 4
I wanna be the Nightmare 64.2 3.7 6
No Logic Trap N/A N/A 1
No logic trap 3 41.5 7.4 5
I wanna be the No Miss! 36.0 5.1 5
I wanna be the No Threat! -prologue- 39.0 3.8 1
No Title 25.9 6.1 12
I wanna be the Noesis 91.8 8.8 31
I wanna be the Noizu 40.2 6.0 21
I wanna be the Noname 51.5 4.5 3
Normal I Wanna Be The Guy 22.9 8.1 23
I wanna be the Normal human! 39.6 6.9 12
I wanna be the normal human! 2 49.7 7.3 6
I wanna be the Normal human! 3 49.0 8.2 8
I wanna be the Normal human! 3 - Easy Version - 36.8 8.9 4
I wanna be the Normal player 32.0 3.0 1
I wanna be the normal space 55.9 7.4 19
I wanna be the nosieesi easy type 41.0 5.5 2
I Wanna Nostalgia 67.3 8.3 26
I Wanna Nostalgia 2 45.0 9.0 3
I wanna be the Nostalgic. 34.4 5.8 5
I wanna be the Nostalgic.2 27.5 4.1 6
I wanna be the Nostalgie 32.4 7.5 16
Not Another Magic Tower Game 77.6 9.2 78
Not Another Magic Tower Game 2 Demo Version 59.6 9.6 12
Not Another Needle Contest 2 66.9 9.2 49
Not Another Needle Game 68.9 9.2 270
Not another SB game 52.5 9.3 4
Not Another VVVVVV Game 53.1 9.2 74
I wanna be the Novel 41.0 6.4 3
I wanna be the Nurse 42.3 7.6 13
I wanna be the Oblique Torment 47.2 6.3 8
I wanna be the Oblique Torment 2 59.5 6.2 4
I wanna be the Ocean Princess 69.0 9.3 49
I wanna be the Octophobia 24.7 7.9 154
I wanna be the Off party2 !! 43.9 6.2 9
Oh, I'm a Gummy Bear (yes) I'm a Gummy Bear Oh, I'm a yummy, chummy, funny, lucky, Gummy Bear I'm a jelly bear Yes I'm a Gummy Bear Oh I'm a movin', g 42.9 4.7 16
I wanna Olympic 46.0 8.5 13
I wanna be the OMAECHAN 87.0 6.2 3
I wanna one for all 58.3 6.9 15
I wanna be the One person 56.5 2.4 2
I wanna open the Gate 61.5 3.3 5
I wanna be the Orbit 70.7 8.4 41
I wanna be the orbit trap 3 36.3 7.4 25
I wanna be the Ordinary man 33.0 4.4 7
I wanna Be The ORETOKUUUU! 30.5 4.3 2
I wanna originality 23.0 4.5 10
I wanna Outbreak 48.6 8.5 28
I wanna Outline 56.1 7.8 9
I wanna overcome the Lowly trap 30.5 4.9 12
I wanna be the Overlord 51.4 9.3 70
I wanna be the OW 41.6 7.4 9
Owata's Hard Life 27.5 4.8 4
I Wanna Pamper that Amber Glamour 44.6 8.1 32
Panasonic Bluray 52.7 8.7 71
I wanna be the Paper Drama 28.7 6.4 21
I wanna be the Party 29.3 6.5 36
I wanna Pass the Guy Floor 44.3 3.6 6
I wanna Past 37.7 7.3 12
I wanna be the Pastel 63.9 6.2 20
I Wanna Be The Patata 51.2 2.2 5
I wanna be the Pathetic 45.2 6.5 6
I wanna be the Patrick 40.0 6.1 6
I wanna be the Payment 47.9 6.2 16
I wanna be the Peace 52.0 8.0 4
I wanna be the Pendulum 67.3 8.9 23
I Wanna Be The Penguinator 70.0 8.0 2
I wanna be the Pepper 57.5 7.1 17
I wanna be the Permanence 68.9 7.9 24
I wanna be the Permanence 2 66.7 8.6 42
I wanna Peropero Yojo 50.2 5.4 10
I wanna be the PeTrap 55.0 6.3 1
I wanna be the PG 49.0 7.2 2
I wanna be the Phantom 60.0 6.4 25
I wanna be the Pharaoh 2 87.3 4.9 4
I wanna be the Phoenix 54.8 7.7 6
Pickory 50.0 6.0 9
I Wanna Be the Picture 65.9 5.7 15
I wanna be the Pink ball 56.0 3.8 1
I Wanna Be the Piyopiyo Trap 41.9 6.8 18
I wanna be the Planeptune 20.7 5.6 15
I wanna be the Planet Doku 43.0 8.3 11
I wanna plant seeds 53.5 7.2 7
I wanna be the Platinum 20.6 4.8 27
I wanna play a heartfelt melody 32.5 7.5 8
I wanna play in random 58.2 5.0 8
I wanna play Kiduija 36.7 8.9 70
I wanna play MAH (MartialArtHeroes) N/A 3.5 2
I wanna play ping pong with Mokou 29.0 7.0 5
I wanna play the 3 stages 54.0 4.1 4
I wanna play the attraction 34.4 7.5 5
I Wanna Play The Samurai Kid 35.0 5.8 2
I wanna play THE WORLD'S... HARDEST GAME 76.3 3.5 4
I wanna play with LPSNLZC 30.0 6.0 3
I wanna play with NOKIA 55.3 6.8 5
I wanna play with the viewers 39.9 9.5 28
I Wanna Be The PlayerDashNeedle 37.6 2.6 10
I wanna be the Pleasure 36.8 7.6 17
I wanna be the Plumeria 43.3 7.4 27
I Wanna Pointillism 73.1 9.2 33
I wanna be the Poireau!! 89.0 6.7 2
I wanna be the Popularity 57.8 6.4 13
I wanna be the Poronkusema 28.4 8.0 28
I Wanna Power 50.5 8.1 18
I wanna be the Poyotto Monster 25.4 6.0 11
I Wanna PP 55.5 7.8 3
I wanna PP 100 36.4 6.0 29
I wanna be the Practice 77.0 4.5 3
I wanna Predict My Future 20.0 4.0 2
I wanna be the Preference 61.0 7.8 13
I wanna be the Pretty 66.5 4.6 4
I wanna be the Prism 53.4 7.4 42
I wanna be the Prismocean 49.4 7.3 9
I wanna be the Professional 45.7 4.9 3
I wanna be the project X 99.5 2.3 4
I wanna be the ProMaker 53.5 3.5 2
I wanna be the Promin 54.9 7.4 21
I Wanna Protect The Earth 44.0 1.9 2
I wanna be the Protector 50.5 7.5 3
I wanna be the Protoman N/A N/A 1
PSIFT: A Post-Structuralist Ironic Fangame Title 47.0 9.6 4
I wanna Pull Down the Castle 72.5 7.4 6
I wanna be the Puyoplayer! 75.0 4.8 3
I wanna be the PYF 73.9 5.2 33
I wanna Quaint 35.4 7.4 27
I wanna be the Quartz 42.0 7.0 2
I wanna quit these 7 games 41.6 8.1 9
I wanna quote the infallibility 28.0 6.6 6
I Wanna Be the Qut 66.0 5.8 7
I wanna be the Ragnarok 33.8 5.5 4
I wanna Ragnarok 71.7 9.0 23
I wanna be the Rain 24.4 7.2 32
I wanna be the rainbow MIKU 70.0 6.6 17
I wanna be the rain[Ver.English] 24.1 7.4 12
Random Games from my Desktop 50.5 8.4 19
I wanna be the ranger 53.0 N/A 1
I wanna be the RayTrapおかえり 34.0 5.3 3
I wanna Re:Fresh 47.5 5.6 7
I wanna be the Re:Re:Re: 31.2 5.4 5
I wanna Re:steroid 42.7 8.0 11
I Wanna Reach for the Stars 60.8 8.1 6
I wanna reach the Ark 40.0 7.1 14
I Wanna Reach The End 44.3 5.4 8
I wanna reach the Moon 49.0 9.4 110
REBELLION 39.1 8.5 22
I Wanna Be The Rebiahtan N/A N/A 2
I Wanna Recap The Twourney 57.8 9.6 13
I wanna be the red cape 54.2 5.1 5
I wanna be the Red coin mania IIDX 2 Praxia 41.7 7.3 32
I wanna REDACTED the REDACTED 60.4 8.4 28
I wanna Reduction 52.3 6.0 4
I Wanna Refresh 67.0 7.4 2
I wanna relieve constipation 32.3 6.6 24
I wanna relieve the Demon World 48.0 6.0 2
I Wanna Remember The Memorial GamesⅡ 52.5 6.5 2
I Wanna Remember The Memorial GamesⅢ 52.5 7.7 3
I wanna remember the Reitengo 54.3 6.6 8
I wanna be the Remembrance 75.6 7.4 7
I wanna rescue the World 72.5 2.3 5
I wanna rescue the World 3 60.0 6.5 1
I wanna be the Resistance 50.9 7.8 18
I wanna respect the Death N/A N/A 1
I wanna restart 66.4 8.3 7
I wanna Restore the Balance 40.5 6.4 19
I wanna be the Reticence 32.8 4.5 4
I Wanna Retrace My Steps 48.3 8.8 19
I wanna be the retreat 61.5 5.5 8
I wanna be the Retro II Rebirth 38.4 6.1 6
I wanna be the Retro! 48.2 3.4 9
I Wanna Return To Simpler Times 63.3 8.4 8
I wanna revenge to Creeper 54.6 5.1 5
I wanna revive the Guy 48.0 3.6 5
I wanna revive the world 46.0 7.5 5
I Wanna Rid The Black Mist 38.6 6.2 13
I wanna be the Rip-Off 43.0 3.0 1
RNG Dungeon 81.6 8.4 34
I wanna be the Rockman 46.8 7.6 9
I wanna Roll Around 54.5 7.8 20
I wanna Rose Gear 51.8 7.1 34
I wanna be the RTI 25.0 2.9 2
I wanna be the Ruby 42.0 5.2 2
I Wanna Be The Ruibe 60.0 4.5 2
I wanna be the RUKIMIN!7(SEVEN!) 51.5 6.3 39
I wanna be the rukiminZ 31.0 8.1 6
I wanna be the Ruler 30.0 2.5 2
I wanna run the hell relay 33.0 4.8 1
I wanna run the Marathon 51.8 9.1 172
I wanna run the small world 22.3 4.7 4
I wanna run the Terminal! 41.7 6.6 34
I Wanna Run The Triathlon 41.7 5.5 3
RUN! and JUMP! and FUN! 42.0 2.6 7
I wanna rush the colour 45.0 N/A 5
I wanna be the Russian 37.0 3.7 2
I Wanna Be The Rusty 72.5 1.3 6
I wanna be the RZM 37.3 5.4 12
I Wanna Be the Sadist 78.1 1.9 13
I wanna be the Salt 38.0 6.6 41
I wanna be the Sample 40.7 4.7 4
I wanna be the SAN 87.8 8.1 11
Santa's Jolly Errands 58.0 7.5 3
I wanna be the SAV N/A 0.5 1
I Wanna Save Christmas 62.5 8.3 6
I Wanna Save My Boy 69.5 9.4 54
I wanna save myself 60.0 8.0 1
I wanna save Peach 62.0 8.4 1
I wanna save the Earth 30.7 6.9 11
I wanna save the kid 25.0 4.3 4
I wanna save the Kids 14.3 1.8 8
I Wanna Save the Ship 51.6 9.2 46
save the sun 31.4 7.3 13
I Wanna Save Tomorrow 13.4 7.5 10
I Wanna Say Sasameku 61.6 7.4 10
I wanna be the SB 43.7 3.7 4
I wanna be the SC 52.0 3.3 4
I wanna be the SC2 for GMS 26.4 5.9 10
I wanna be the Sc2 Italia! 31.1 6.5 29
I Wanna be the Scapegoat 61.4 8.0 40
I wanna be the Scare 61.3 4.4 12
I wanna be the Scarlet white 25.7 4.9 22
I wanna be the Scenario 59.5 8.8 20
I wanna be the Scenery 54.7 8.7 9
I wanna be the School 60.0 5.5 1
I wanna be the scratcher 42.5 4.6 2
I Wanna Be The Scratcher 23.8 6.1 8
I wanna be the Scribble 63.5 8.3 26
Scribble Notes 59.9 8.3 15
I wanna search in dark 32.4 6.1 14
I wanna Search My Destiny N/A N/A 1
I wanna be the Second Challenger 28.0 4.1 5
I wanna see the Autumn leaves 39.6 6.5 7
I wanna see the beautiful world 61.5 6.9 2
I wanna see the Cherry brossom 35.6 7.1 13
I wanna see the Meteor Shower 47.1 8.0 11
I wanna see the mldsdt 63.4 2.6 7
I wanna see the Moon 43.5 7.7 83
i wanna see the moyasi 50.0 1.9 4
I wanna see the Pictures 39.4 6.8 11
I wanna see the Pink road 35.8 6.4 39
I wanna see the Planet 25.9 6.4 21
I wanna see The Santa Claus 52.0 7.6 5
I wanna see the Star 65.3 2.6 8
I wanna see the starry sky 43.0 8.1 15
I wanna see the Sun again 50.6 8.8 6
I wanna see the Sunlight 26.4 3.8 8
I wanna see the Sunrise 60.6 5.7 11
I Wanna See You Suffer 89.9 2.9 13
I wanna seek the takenoko 37.3 8.2 9
I wanna send happy Message for こう 36.5 2.4 4
I Wanna Be The Separation 38.0 2.8 2
Serial Experiments Kid 50.0 8.9 46
I wanna series Mixture relay 2 42.3 6.6 12
I wanna series Mixture relay 3 49.0 6.7 9
I wanna series Mixture relay 4 48.7 8.0 13
I wanna series Mixture Relay 5 53.8 8.0 15
I wanna series Mixture relay 6 53.8 6.7 10
I wanna be the SFC 47.3 3.6 3
I wanna be the sgn 43.0 3.5 1
I wanna be the Shamalamadingdong 32.0 2.7 4
I wanna be the Shape 46.4 4.9 10
I wanna Share 47.3 7.3 5
I wanna be the Shiny spark!! 59.9 4.4 15
I wanna be the Shiratama 68.3 6.0 6
i wanna be the shit 15.7 3.2 3
I Wanna Be the Shobon 51.0 7.3 2
SHOOT: Taming the ruins 55.7 9.7 21
Shortventure 3 - Resources N/A 10.0 5
I wanna be the Shrine maiden 63.3 0.6 3
I wanna be the Shusei! 31.3 4.7 5
I wanna be the shy guy 45.0 7.0 2
i wanna be the SIENS 29.5 2.9 3
I wanna be the SIG 26.5 1.8 5
I Wanna Silence the Little Bird 40.0 6.3 5
I wanna be the Silver 10.0 N/A 1
I wanna be the Simple 70.0 1.0 3
i wanna simple adventure 34.7 7.3 9
I wanna be the single road 36.5 3.6 2
I wanna sink deeper 31.2 6.5 10
I wanna be the Six Elements 52.1 7.3 27
I wanna be the Skyclad 47.3 6.5 25
I wanna Slay Mega Kid demo 53.2 5.5 16
I wanna be the Slayer N/A N/A 1
SlimePark 75.7 9.4 22
I wanna SlimeTrap 35.2 8.8 39
I Wanna Slowly Go Quickly 37.8 8.7 9
I wanna be the Small town 50.0 2.6 3
I wanna smile away 41.0 7.5 40
I wanna be the snakes! 35.7 1.7 6
I wanna sniff it 50.2 7.4 17
I wanna be the Snown 42.9 6.2 8
I wanna be the Sofaking 34.3 5.5 5
I wanna be the solidification 46.6 7.8 13
I wanna be the Sorcerer 60.0 5.5 2
I wanna be the Sorcerer 2 73.3 7.1 9
I wanna be the Sorrow 64.1 7.5 9
I wanna be the SoulFly 46.6 2.7 6
I wanna be the SoulFly2 32.7 3.5 3
I wanna be the Sousa 33.0 0.1 2
I wanna be the SPACE! 40.0 5.5 3
I wanna spend the season 56.7 4.7 3
I wanna be the SPF 35.5 4.7 2
I Wanna Be The Spike N/A N/A 2
I wanna be the Spirit 77.0 9.2 3
I Wanna Sponge The Bob 65.2 8.2 10
I Wanna Spook Jam 48.4 8.8 102
I wanna spread my wings 32.2 7.8 51
I wanna be the Star 27.7 1.3 3
I wanna be the Star 2 46.7 3.5 4
I Wanna Be The I Wanna Star 4 61.3 8.2 31
I wanna Star Adventure 62.3 4.5 4
I wanna be the Star! 58.3 2.5 4
I wanna be the Stargazer 36.0 8.3 6
I wanna be the Starlight 46.0 3.0 2
I Wanna Start A New Game 40.0 7.3 3
I wanna Start from Here 44.4 7.7 20
i wanna start the genshin 44.5 5.3 6
I wanna start the road 39.3 6.1 4
I wanna be the Steak Temple 53.0 8.6 28
I Wanna Stella`s Magic 55.0 6.4 7
I wanna be the stick man! 20.0 5.0 3
I wanna be the Stilette 41.0 7.1 2
I Wanna Be The Stollen 42.5 6.6 7
I Wanna Stop her Slaughter 52.8 8.0 14
I wanna stop the crystal 45.7 7.4 4
I wanna stop the Heart Beats 52.7 8.7 31
I wanna stop the MELTDOWN 64.5 8.4 107
I wanna stop the necromancer 61.5 2.4 6
I wanna stop the rain 29.5 5.3 2
I wanna stop the Simulation 53.1 8.9 63
I wanna stop the Time 39.1 8.3 16
I wanna Story 37.5 7.1 6
I wanna be the Story 2 50.0 5.0 2
I wanna be the Story 2 EASYver 50.0 4.0 1
I wanna strange thing 48.3 6.6 6
Strange Water Appears 56.6 7.4 9
StrathGaze 74.2 8.9 12
I wanna be the strongest 50.0 5.9 2
I wanna be the Stunt 41.0 6.9 12
I wanna be the stunt 2 50.6 8.1 9
I wanna be the stunt 3 30.8 6.0 12
I wanna be the Style 45.8 6.4 4
I wanna be the Subaru First Anniversary 30.0 5.5 1
I wanna be the Sublime 73.6 7.1 13
Suck game for make good i wanna 40.0 7.2 5
Sudoku Thanksgiving 30.0 6.0 3
Sudoku Thanksgiving 2 35.0 6.0 3
I wanna be the Sudtrick Doodles 33.8 5.6 21
I wanna be the Sugar 62.2 8.3 10
I Wanna Be The Suitable 37.0 5.7 2
I wanna be the Suitable 40.0 4.3 2
I wanna be the Suitable 50.0 3.5 2
i wanna be the Sukesan 45.0 3.0 1
I wanna be the sukesan ver1.0 50.0 1.6 3
I wanna Summer Feast!! 53.5 7.9 13
Summer Message 41.3 8.1 3
SUMMER Syugyou BATTLE 45.0 6.0 2
I wanna be the Sun yellow 51.5 6.4 2
I wanna be the Sun α 28.0 3.5 4
I wanna be the Sunflower Fairy Kid mode 46.0 4.7 12
I wanna be the Sunset -RemakeVer- 55.0 6.9 1
I wanna be the Super N/A 2.5 1
I Wanna Super Ability 55.3 7.8 7
Super Kid Bros. 3 48.1 7.7 46
I wanna be the super mario 31.5 6.5 2
Super Sam Advance: The Quest To Save Darma 45.0 3.8 5
I Wanna Be The Super Star - World 1 N/A N/A 2
I Wanna Be The Supreme 30.0 5.0 1
I Wanna Survive The Gadget-Takeover 2 35.6 6.3 7
I wanna be the Sweet Honey 42.6 7.2 11
I wanna be the Swordman 55.0 6.7 4
I Wanna Be the Symmetry 67.4 6.5 17
I wanna be the syoram!! 30.0 3.0 1
I wanna be the T 75.9 7.3 11
I wanna be the Taco 24.5 2.2 2
Tactical Nimbus Symphony 39.8 8.3 6
I wanna be the Takatata-! 73.3 4.5 7
I Wanna Take a Detour to the Factory 46.3 6.3 14
I Wanna Take A Little Trip 54.2 8.6 22
I wanna take a trip to HekiRyuu Town N/A N/A 1
I Wanna Take A Walk In The Sun 76.1 6.8 9
I Wanna Take Another Look Inside 64.2 8.9 16
I wanna take the crazy CRA 43.5 5.0 3
I wanna take the Departure 32.5 6.6 11
I wanna take the Kakky`s community 45.9 7.4 11
I wanna take the Memory 34.1 6.9 16
I wanna take the Memory 2 42.4 6.6 21
I wanna take the Santa-Hat 2 36.7 7.9 5
I wanna take the Timemachine 62.2 6.3 27
I wanna take the Timemachine 2 66.0 9.3 48
I wanna Take the Tutorial 50.0 6.0 8
I Wanna Take You Into The Mind Of Someone Making A Game For galaxii 26.1 7.3 13
I wanna be the Takeda 31.6 1.9 9
I wanna be the tale 40.0 6.0 3
I wanna be the tarburaku 27.5 3.0 4
I wanna be the Taste 41.0 6.3 4
I Wanna Tell You All About The Interesting Year I Had 40.2 7.7 6
I Wanna BE the Tempest 77.4 4.8 15
I wanna be the Tencho's pictures 33.3 3.9 8
I wanna be the Tenchos pictures 2 61.7 6.8 8
I Wanna Test The Subject 44.8 7.7 7
I wanna thank the Ashotovka Happy New Year 45.0 5.5 4
I wanna thank the Ashotovka: Тыквенный Спас 65.0 4.2 4
That Fucking Game 2 42.5 7.0 2
The Avoidance Complex 90.0 8.9 10
The Cardinal House 52.4 8.9 26
The Chronicles Of Jericho 21.0 4.6 1
The Day Thereafter 30.2 7.0 59
The Diva Batles 43.5 7.1 5
The Dross Game 2 48.5 2.8 3
The Farewell Medley 72.1 9.5 24
The Guy May Be 41.5 6.3 5
The Kid's Collectible Christmas 48.4 8.4 13
The Mage's Lair 52.2 7.1 9
The Mage's Lair Returns 39.5 6.8 6
The Maker Medley 44.1 9.0 52
THE STATE OF SCRATCH IN 2022 32.0 5.2 5
I wanna think of a name 52.4 8.4 8
This iwanna is an invalid draft 57.0 7.2 4
I wanna be the TLOR 16.4 3.4 10
I wanna be the Tower 65.3 7.4 5
I wanna toy the Scissors 56.3 7.0 5
I wanna be the Trance 52.5 5.9 4
Trap wanna Tree 36.0 4.5 3
I wanna travel alone 51.4 8.1 20
I wanna travel Do or Die 43.8 5.9 7
I wanna travel do or die~Into the many world~ 53.1 8.0 7
I Wanna travel forest DEMO 30.0 2.0 1
I wanna travel the basic world -contest edit- 40.3 5.1 4
I wanna travel the Mario World 45.6 7.9 18
I Wanna Travel the Night 44.1 8.5 33
I wanna travel the Ruin 42.0 5.1 8
I Wanna Traverse The Seven Aspects 63.0 8.9 23
I wanna be the Treaser Hunter 57.5 8.5 8
I wanna be the Tribute 46.8 4.0 34
I wanna be the Trip 21.1 5.1 9
I wanna be the Tripper 38.6 6.8 13
I wanna try a Collab 61.7 7.6 52
I wanna try a Collab 2 70.6 8.5 56
I wanna try the studio 1 18.5 2.6 3
I Wanna Try To DJ This Party: An Appreciation Universe Story 36.9 8.8 11
I wanna be the Uldra 61.3 7.7 6
I wanna be the Ultimate hero 47.7 7.8 13
I Wanna Be The Ultimate Super Guy 63.3 5.4 7
I wanna be the Ultimatum! 58.6 2.7 11
I wanna be the Underscore 42.7 4.7 4
I wanna be the United 24.4 5.5 5
I Wanna Be the Unknown 74.8 7.3 26
I wanna be the Unnamed 65.0 4.3 2
I wanna be the Unskilled 44.0 2.8 2
untitled needle game 82.8 8.5 27
UpRising The Mechanical Garden 46.8 8.5 6
I wanna use computer 42.6 7.2 9
I Wanna Use Sextant 76.1 8.3 14
I wanna use the Eight weapons!! 40.1 7.4 11
I Wanna Usurp the Celestial Jump 52.4 8.2 25
I Wanna Be The Vampire 33.8 6.4 8
I Wanna be the Vandal 71.5 9.3 121
I Wanna Vanish Needles!! 21.9 6.4 25
I wanna be the Vardoc 100.0 0.6 3
I wanna be the Vargskelethor 26.0 2.0 4
I wanna be the Various 35.3 5.1 9
I Wanna be the Very Best 64.4 2.9 14
I wanna be the Vfangamer! 8.9 7.6 10
I Wanna Vibe With The Gods 71.1 8.9 39
I wanna be the Videogame 39.0 7.6 2
I wanna visit an うどん! 45.0 1.0 2
I Wanna Visit the Rainbow Carnival 58.4 8.8 13
Volo Esse Guy 45.0 4.8 4
VoVoVo 59.0 9.4 66
I wanna be the vs Brack kid! 41.0 4.1 1
I wanna be the VY 36.3 6.8 5
I wanna wake nightmare 48.0 7.6 12
I wanna wake nightmare (easy) 51.0 8.5 2
I wanna Wake Up 42.5 6.6 29
I wanna Walk on Sunshine 61.0 6.5 3
I wanna Walk Out In The Morning Dew 84.3 8.3 59
I wanna be the Walker 31.3 5.8 3
I wanna Walpurgis 47.1 8.4 22
WANNA Gimmix 49.0 6.3 3
WannaFest 22 57.1 9.4 84
I wanna warp the worlds 50.2 8.8 80
I wanna water a flower 25.8 6.1 7
I wanna be the way 28.0 2.8 4
I wanna be the WC 31.8 6.5 16
We Live Under The Stairs 17.7 7.7 41
I wanna be the Weathercock 37.7 4.1 6
I wanna Wednesday 47.5 7.2 11
I wanna be the Weegee 47.7 9.6 7
What a small world! 50.0 3.0 3
I wanna be the Win8 taskmgr 46.0 5.2 7
I wanna be the Winsanity 40.3 5.6 4
Winterful trip mini 34.4 8.0 7
I wanna with Stability 47.3 4.8 4
I wanna be the Wolf 23.5 5.0 3
I wanna be the Wonder Land 35.0 6.0 1
I wanna be the World 71.0 8.6 3
I wanna be the World game! 33.4 4.0 8
I wanna be the World Master 43.3 4.7 5
I wanna be the World Master Before 40.5 7.8 11
I wanna be the Wow 30.9 5.4 19
I wanna WTM plus JUSTITIA 58.8 7.0 5
I wanna be the xenoglossia2 25.8 6.9 10
I wanna be the Yahoo 2nd edition 41.2 6.0 6
I wanna be the Yassan(21) 53.7 6.1 26
I wanna be the Yeah 61.3 6.5 4
I wanna be the Yeah -easy ver- 46.0 6.3 3
I wanna be the Yogurt 69.0 4.0 3
You're a Kid, Not a Squid 47.5 3.8 4
You're the Kid Now, Charlie Brown! 37.3 6.7 33
I Wanna Be The Youtuber 31.0 6.0 2
I wanna be the YSG 43.0 4.5 5
Yuletide Derange 61.1 8.1 11
I wanna be the YY 42.0 6.1 6
I wanna be the Yyksm 30.0 2.7 3
I wanna Zap the Mas 37.5 8.5 12
I wanna be the Zero Game 31.4 7.4 71
I wanna be the ZeroTrust 61.0 4.8 5
I wanna be the Zorman 42.0 2.4 4
I Wanna [Expunged] the [Expunged] 19.3 8.9 7
I wanna be the ]-[│/34<#! 79.6 6.8 10
I wanna ʅ(´◔౪◔)ʃ 29.1 6.4 9
I wanna be the μ's 62.5 4.0 3
I wanna be the ♂ 39.9 4.0 7
【Lite edition】I Wanna Be The Spike 45.0 6.3 7
【罰ゲ】歌枠【顔出し】 44.0 6.5 5
あいわなっしゅ! 38.0 5.3 1
あいわなつくったよ 27.5 5.3 3
あいわなびーざしるえっと!! 50.5 4.1 2
I wanna be the あびゃ~ 36.6 7.1 7
I wanna be the あびゃ~。 43.9 6.9 16
うわっ!しまった!!アイワナだっ! 49.5 8.7 25
I wanna be the えっと...なんだっけ? 31.8 3.9 4
I wanna be the お先ッスwwwwwwwwwwww 50.0 8.3 2
I wanna be the お米のムーゲ 51.8 7.5 4
I wanna be the かーにばる 39.2 6.4 7
I wanna be the きゃうー 66.3 7.0 6
ざきワナ 60.0 7.5 6
I wanna be the しろくま 60.5 6.5 2
I wanna be the たのしいあいわな 39.5 6.4 4
I wanna be the でてくてぃぶ 51.7 7.8 4
どこでもアイワナ 50.0 6.0 3
I wanna be the ねこ 68.3 7.3 6
I wanna be the ぶた 65.3 7.2 5
I wanna be the ぺ 33.7 6.6 13
ぼくはあいわなをやりたい 45.7 8.2 10
めっちゃ針ゲ 47.0 7.5 1
わっかんない★ 28.0 4.6 5
アイワナ 東方畜針則 体験版 40.5 2.0 2
I wanna be the アクション 3 35.0 4.0 2
エリナもう強くなった! 85.4 4.3 8
I wanna be the オモロイド N/A N/A 1
I wanna be the オモロイドⅡ 57.4 4.6 6
キッド君のおさんぽ 14.3 5.9 28
I wanna be the サムギョプサル 51.0 3.9 3
I wanna be the タクデール 21.0 1.6 1
I wanna be the ドS 70.0 1.2 2
ナズの宝塔探し 53.5 7.3 2
I wanna be the ナマハム 40.0 3.3 3
i wanna be the フジナッツ N/A N/A 1
I wanna be the リア充!2nd season 40.0 7.3 2
I wanna be the リア充!3rd season The Final 42.7 6.4 4
令和ナ 32.1 7.4 12
I wanna be the 何か! 43.5 1.5 4
I wanna be the 偽のムーゲ!! 45.0 6.7 5
I wanna be the 冒険 40.7 1.5 4
I wanna be the 初級者 13.7 4.1 15
I wanna be the 初見 33.5 7.8 2
I wanna 大仏 63.9 6.2 9
I wanna be the 宝石ファインダー 38.4 2.8 9
I wanna be the 挑戦状 40.8 5.5 6
I wanna be the 敵か!味方か!大根マン! 35.9 7.9 11
洩矢の旅~I wanna be the God 57.0 6.5 2
I wanna BE the 番長 75.0 4.1 2
I wanna be the 私は私の道を行く 21.6 1.9 8
网红追逐战 63.0 6.4 9
I wanna be the 超初心者!! 6.7 3.8 15
i wanna 黒くん 50.0 3.3 3
I wanna be the ? 38.3 1.0 3
I wanna be the ^-^ 38.3 6.9 4