I wanna be the Six Elements

Creators: carua, poroniumu, Sureiru, ベリー, ゆううつ, どるっぴ

Average Rating
7.3 / 10
Average Difficulty
52.1 / 100
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Adventure (6) Needle (2) Avoidance (6) Trap (7) Gimmick (5) Boss (2) Collab (2) Quiz (1)


  • by Wolfiexe
  • by Xplayerlol
  • by Wolfiexe
  • by Yok

29 Reviews:


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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 43 43
Jul 27, 2018
Really enjoyable collab with 6 stages. Each of the 6 stages is quite different, but all of them are good on their own way.
Doruppi's stage is themed on Super Mario. Gray spikes kinda of ruin the visuals, but they don't appear too often, so it's alright. Both are really fun and have some funny traps. The boss is a bit RNG-ish, though, and I didn't enjoy it that much. Nothing is particularly hard, which makes it a good intro stage.
Carua's stage is a huge difficulty spike in the game. The platforming becomes a lot more precise, there are more traps and some of them are really unforgiving. There are three bosses, and I can safely say that I hated all of them. The first one is annoying because the platforms make you fall when you least expect them to, the second one is simply extremely RNG-heavy and her spears are annoying as hell, and the third one has a lava attack that forces you to do an annoying long jump to avoid it. It's too hard to be the second stage in the game, and the bosses are terrible, but the platforming is kinda of interesting. Good sound effects after the end of each fight, makes each victory sound like a huge achievement.
Yuutu's stage is quite interesting, reminding me of Call me it's first avoidance. It's a boss fight mixing platforming, avoidance and shooting phases. The visual effects are quite annoying, mainly because some can make you die without even knowing what killed you, but other than that, it's a cool fight.
Poroniumu's stage is actually beyond what I expected when I saw the first screen. It's themed on the original IWBTG, and I tend to hate stages like this, but this one is surprisingly fun. Funny traps, interesting gimmicks, quite amazing overall. The IWBTG quiz had some questions that I doubt that anyone would actually remember from the original game, but other than that, I really enjoyed it.
Very's stage is quite short and some jumps seem unnecessary. Could be better if it was a bit longer, with easier saves, but it's nice as it is.
Sureiru's stage is actually the last boss, and it's quite disappointing. It's Kirby 64's last boss without some of his attacks. It's actually easier than Kirby's version. It's not bad as a boss, but it doesn't feel like a last boss. Meh.

Great game overall. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Adventure Avoidance Trap Gimmick
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Rating: 8.6 86       Difficulty: 62 62
Sep 17, 2015
I found this game really fun, I liked pretty much every stage although being a collab it is a bit disjointed, there's not really a conclusion, it sorta feels like it just ends. However the actual content of the game is quite fun, I particularly enjoyed the stages by Doruppi, Yuutu, and Poroniumu, the other 3 were also good I'd say but definitely not as enjoyable for me. Still I like this one quite a bit, it's short and sweet.

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 47 47
Mar 7, 2023
A collab game consisting of 5 stages and a final boss. Here a quick review of each ones:

First stage(Doruppi) : A good mario stage with a good use of flying ennemies and red coins. the boss was ok.

Second stage(Carua) : A very quick but good stage before 3 bosses that are all decent, the plateforming phase could have been longer.

Third stage(Yuutu) : A extremely shit avoidance fight with horrible screen effects, I can't believe that someone tested it and said it's ok.

Forth stage(Poroniumu) : A bad b/w IWBTG stage, however the quiz boss was really fun.

Final stage(Very) : A short decent stage with good visuals, more difficult than the rest of the game. Again a stage that could have been longer.

Final boss(Sureiru) : A decent boss but with weird visuals. I have nothing more to say

In overall, play the first stage, after do what you want.

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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 50 50
May 31, 2019
Six Elements is quite a mixed bag. Each stage is drastically different from the last. One moment you'll be frolicking in Mario-land with the coin collecting and goomba-related hijinks, and a little later you'll be squaring down against The Guy who tests your knowledge of the original I Wanna be the Guy in a battle to the death.

Having said that, they're probably the two highlights of the game. There's also a pretty fun avoidance-of-sorts featuring a giant cherry which whilst at times overly flashy and noisy, is pretty interesting to play. However there's also a fair share of questionable stuff on top of that. The second stage has some bosses that are kinda shaky in design, with some very sudden attack patterns that don't always feel too fair. There's also a trap-heavy stage which felt a bit frustrating to play, although thankfully it isn't too lengthy.

The varied mix ends up making the game feel a bit disjointed, which I suppose is part of the struggle of a collab-game where each maker produces something so different. Still, I had a fun time and the positives outweighed the negatives. I'd say it's worth a play, but be prepared for a bit of a rollercoaster ride.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 6.9 69       Difficulty: 52 52
Mar 3, 2019