7 Reviews:
This game is a complete train wreck. The platforming is bad, the production value is bad, and the traps are bad. There's some bosses, but shockingly they are bad too.
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Rating: 2.0 20
Difficulty: 35 35
May 11, 2015
This is going up near the top of my sudoku bangers list. Absolutely terrible in a lot of ways. YoSniper engine, sound balance is non-existant, story written by a 6-year old probably with great cutscenes, very little graphical cohesion... it fits my requirements for what a true sudoku experience should be: an ambitious game made by someone with very little knowledge on how to make that come true. Highly recommended if you're into this kinda stuff.
Tagged as: Adventure
[0] Likes
Rating: 3.0 30
Difficulty: 50 50
Oct 17, 2021
Standard meh old fangame. Enjoyment -1/10
[0] Likes
Rating: 2.0 20
Difficulty: 50 50
Dec 27, 2020