4 Reviews:
I really love this trap needle, it's kinda evil but exactly in dose when it's spiteful but not frustrating, and i really wanna try to find all secrets eventually
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Rating: 8.4 84
Difficulty: 63 63
Sep 6, 2022
A mostly trap-focused adventure game with one generic needle stage and a final boss. The traps are pretty brutal, forcing you to keep moving most of the time and predicting your next move. The maneuvers you have to do, while not the craziest things ever, are not trivial and a beginner would probably struggle a lot with this. The needle stage is pretty bland and not that interesting, although the design wasn't terrible, I just don't think it fits well with the rest of the game. There's an area based on K3 secret 5, but has traps, is thankfully easier, and has saves. The final boss is very silly. It has crazy attacks that are unreasonable to avoid but it gives you 25 HP to tough through it. Apparently there's 8 secrets in the game but I only managed to find 2, so maybe there's something cool with that but I don't feel like playing through again to find out.
Would recommend if you're looking for a trap game with some difficulty to it and some alright production value, wouldn't recommend playing just for the needle stage as it's about 2 thirds into the game and it's only 3 screens long.
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Would recommend if you're looking for a trap game with some difficulty to it and some alright production value, wouldn't recommend playing just for the needle stage as it's about 2 thirds into the game and it's only 3 screens long.
Rating: 6.7 67
Difficulty: 64 64
Jul 1, 2022
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Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 80 80
Jul 1, 2022