Full Fangame List

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GameDifficulty   Rating   # of Ratings
I wanna be the 2013 29.3 2.1 6
I wanna be the AAI 79.0 8.4 7
I wanna be the Agent 58.9 5.8 24
I wanna be the alchemist 62.0 4.4 1
I wanna be the along the way 3 58.0 6.8 2
I wanna be the Amused 100.0 5.0 2
I wanna be the Ancient 67.3 6.2 5
I wanna be the Apprentice 52.7 8.3 12
I wanna be the Ballistic 54.3 6.7 12
I wanna battle the cherryies 50.1 6.5 8
I wanna battle the cherryies -Outer- 71.7 6.2 4
I wanna be a Charr 90.3 7.9 14
I Wanna Be a Man 31.0 4.4 3
I wanna be Anime 55.3 8.0 31
I wanna be Easy! 17.3 6.5 32
I wanna be like Brisulph 44.3 5.3 13
I Wanna Be Like TopWolf 70.0 7.8 6
I wanna be tha I wanna 制作者 30.0 3.5 2
I wanna be the human 48.5 7.3 3
I wanna be Time Characters 63.6 6.7 10
I wanna be with you 55.5 7.3 4
I Wanna be the BHG (共同開発) 50.4 7.1 29
BONK: An Interactive Exposition 62.1 9.4 29
I wanna be the brave 42.3 6.3 5
I wanna be the BRAVE GUY 47.3 6.3 4
I wanna be the Bucho 46.5 4.8 7
I wanna cancer cancer cancer 75.5 2.9 4
I wanna celebrate Cherry卒s Birthday 68.7 7.2 5
I wanna challenge Kamirin 48.4 6.7 33
I wanna Challenge you 53.9 6.7 18
I wanna be the check room 80.0 5.5 2
I wanna be the Churatch 48.7 5.9 52
I wanna collect the friends game 53.6 4.1 6
I Wanna Collect The Pixels 60.6 7.9 11
I wanna be the Color 65.7 6.0 25
I wanna come to the conclusion 51.3 9.2 35
I Wanna Be the Competitor 69.4 4.8 14
I wanna connect the Hearts 44.5 7.2 13
I wanna be the Constraction 63.3 3.4 4
I wanna be the Cool guy 49.1 6.8 10
I wanna be the creater-easy- 31.7 5.8 3
I wanna be the Crimson 74.2 7.2 81
I wanna cruise the 6 islands 59.5 7.3 6
I wanna dance with Daggers 62.6 8.5 10
I wanna Defeat The CJ 46.2 3.3 9
I Wanna Defeat the Discord Makers Kela Side 50.8 6.2 26
I Wanna Defeat The Eater Of Dreams 26.1 7.7 90
I Wanna Delete This Baurin Thwertee-Tuuf Peekax Niidol Game 66.0 N/A 2
I wanna descend the Shadow tower 48.0 6.2 4
I Wanna Destroy The Creator 60.0 6.5 3
I Wanna Destroy the Maelstrom 67.2 8.0 27
I Wanna Destroy the Needleverse 68.5 8.1 30
I Wanna Destroy the Needleverse Ez 45.3 8.6 13
I wanna do Escapism 47.2 8.2 15
I Wanna Duloxetine 59.4 8.5 55
I Wanna Eclipse 57.1 9.0 70
I Wanna End the Blood Festival 68.1 5.4 19
I wanna be the Enderman! N/A 3.0 1
I wanna be the enjoy travel 40.3 4.7 5
I Wanna Be The Epic 40.4 5.2 8
I wanna escape the Castle 60.0 6.5 1
I Wanna Escape The Manor 63.0 9.2 30
I wanna exist the top 46.5 6.4 2
I wanna Explore Space 48.3 7.7 17
I wanna be the Fancy 45.8 8.0 20
I wanna be the Fangame! 45.0 7.3 64
I wanna be the Farewell 76.5 8.5 15
I wanna feel true world 66.3 6.9 7
I Wanna FfFfFf 69.0 7.7 3
I wanna be the Finite 55.3 7.3 17
I wanna be the first 52.5 6.1 2
I wanna be the Forehead 2 64.1 6.9 21
I wanna friend 30.0 1.8 4
Full Techno Jackass 54.9 8.8 42
I wanna be the Galaxy 60.8 8.3 33
I wanna be the GB 53.5 4.3 28
i wanna be the genius 3 45.0 4.8 3
I wanna get Cultured 54.9 7.0 155
I Wanna Get The Coins 48.6 8.5 40
I wanna get the OOPARTS III -Yuuutu Remade- 52.7 7.2 34
I wanna go across the Rainbow 42.5 7.5 122
I Wanna Go Back To Sleep 65.0 8.4 3
I wanna go BANANAS! 51.5 7.2 32
I wanna go to the quantum world 64.2 8.1 11
I wanna be the good Hentai EX 95.0 10.0 4
I wanna be the Guy 42.4 6.8 134
I Wanna Be The Guy Remastered 42.9 8.9 117
I wanna hab the Luka 53.2 7.1 11
I wanna hab the Luka Remake 60.3 7.7 14
I wanna be the Heady 61.0 3.6 3
Hipatya In I wanna world 26.1 6.4 12
I wanna be the HIROKAZU 43.0 2.3 3
I Wanna Be The Hungrytag 38.4 7.7 26
I wanna be the Hyper 49.5 3.7 5
I accidentally a fanGame 67.0 5.3 2
I celebrate the Mika-chan was resurrected to Nico live 34.2 6.0 6
I don't wanna be the pu full ver.1.0 60.7 5.3 7
I dun wanna be Anything 75.3 7.3 19
I Dun Wanna be Anything 2 74.1 9.1 37
I wanna to arrive the Blue sky 2 44.3 5.1 9
I wannyaaaaaaaaaa 41.3 7.8 39
I Want to Meet Miki 48.9 8.6 31
I'm bored 2 41.4 8.4 14
I wanna Interference 65.0 6.6 4
I wanna be the JK2 45.0 6.8 2
I wanna jump to 1-50 45.0 2.0 2
JungleKID 61.9 8.5 15
I wanna be the KAS 44.9 3.4 14
I Wanna Kill The Awsl 59.6 7.1 11
I Wanna Kill The BLB 2: Nemesis Tamatou 46.4 8.1 25
I Wanna Kill The Crazy Frog 55.0 8.1 9
I wanna kill the Kermit 75.1 7.5 30
I Wanna Kill The Last Boss 57.4 5.6 14
I Wanna Kill The Nogard 68.3 7.9 12
I wanna Kill The Quentin N/A N/A 2
Leave the garden 66.8 7.2 7
I wanna Live 54.8 8.1 15
I wanna be the Locus 70.9 5.5 22
LSDKid 53.7 6.5 4
I wanna make a Sandwich 50.0 8.5 59
I Wanna Make It Breaking Out 75.6 5.4 19
I wanna be the man to continue fight 65.5 6.8 3
I wanna be the MAo Trap 71.5 7.0 7
I wanna master the GWTN 90.0 3.0 1
I Wanna Be the Maze 87.1 3.8 20
I Wanna meet the Orion 60.2 6.9 5
I wanna meet the Ruka 56.8 3.0 5
I wanna meet the Ruka 2nd 55.0 3.4 7
I wanna be the Melancholy 51.2 4.0 7
Might my Mighty Mite, Wanna Be The Guy 74.5 6.4 3
Mini map 42.3 4.7 5
I wanna be the Mission 24.2 4.5 6
I wanna be the monsuta 53.0 1.9 2
I wanna be the Neet 71.0 4.5 3
I wanna be the Negotiator 47.3 6.6 5
New I Wanna Be The Weegee 70.6 9.1 17
I wanna be the Newclear 55.0 7.2 9
I wanna be the Nida 60.0 4.8 4
Not Another Needle Game 68.9 9.2 270
I wanna be the orange 43.6 2.4 8
I Wanna Be The Orb 45.0 6.0 3
I wanna be the Ordinary man 33.0 4.4 7
I wanna overcome a Trial 50.3 4.7 4
I wanna be the Overlord 51.4 9.3 70
I wanna be the PASD 44.6 1.5 7
I wanna be the Pathetic 45.2 6.5 6
I wanna be the Payment 47.9 6.2 16
I wanna be the Pepper 57.5 7.1 17
I wanna be the PeTrap 55.0 6.3 1
Phase 1-1 49.8 7.5 12
I wanna be the Planeptune 20.7 5.6 15
I wanna plant seeds 53.5 7.2 7
I wanna play an Adventure game 57.6 7.4 24
I wanna be the Plus 70.3 3.3 5
I wanna be the PRD-MAX 20.3 3.2 11
I wanna be the Prismocean 49.4 7.3 9
I wanna be the Proficient Player 48.0 5.5 3
I wanna be the Puyoplayer! 75.0 4.8 3
I wanna be the Rain 24.4 7.2 32
I wanna be the rainbow MIKU 70.0 6.6 17
I wanna REDACTED the REDACTED 60.4 8.4 28
I wanna rescue the World 72.5 2.3 5
I Wanna Retrace My Steps 48.3 8.8 19
I wanna be the Rozen Maiden 41.0 5.1 4
I wanna be the Salt 38.0 6.6 41
I wanna be the SAN 87.8 8.1 11
I wanna save myself 60.0 8.0 1
I wanna save Peach 62.0 8.4 1
Scribble Notes 59.9 8.3 15
I wanna see the beautiful world 61.5 6.9 2
I wanna see the mldsdt 63.4 2.6 7
Sepia Needle 60.5 7.5 20
I wanna Share 47.3 7.3 5
SHOOT: Taming the ruins 55.7 9.7 21
I wanna be the Slayer N/A N/A 1
I Wanna Soothe the Shroom 67.0 7.6 14
I Wanna Be The Spirit N/A N/A 2
I wanna be the Strong spike3 Last Edition 55.7 6.7 37
I wanna be the Student 37.3 1.9 5
I wanna be the Sublime 73.6 7.1 13
I wanna be the Sugar 62.2 8.3 10
I wanna be the sutar(練習用アイワナ) N/A N/A 1
I Wanna Take A Little Trip 54.2 8.6 22
I Wanna BE the Tempest 77.4 4.8 15
Terrible Needle Fourinone 83.0 8.3 14
I wanna travel Do or Die 43.8 5.9 7
I wanna travel do or die~Into the many world~ 53.1 8.0 7
I wanna be the Treaser Hunter 57.5 8.5 8
I wanna be the Ultimate hero 47.7 7.8 13
I wanna use the Eight weapons!! 40.1 7.4 11
I wanna use the repeatedly 44.5 2.5 3
I wanna be the Volatile Presence: Stagnant Edition 87.4 8.7 17
I wanna be the Voltex 35.6 6.4 12
I Wanna Be the White Cherry 49.0 5.7 14
I wanna be the Wonder Land 35.0 6.0 1
I wanna be the Yogurt 69.0 4.0 3
I wanna be the ZeroTrust 61.0 4.8 5
あいわなびーざしるえっと!! 50.5 4.1 2
I wanna be the かーにばる 39.2 6.4 7
I wanna be the しろくま 60.5 6.5 2
I wanna be the アクション 2 49.0 3.3 3
キッド君のおさんぽ 14.3 5.9 28
I wanna be the タイトル募集! 22.8 3.4 7
恥ずかしい(/ω\*) 58.3 5.7 10
過去に作ったクソゲー集めてみた Remake v2.0 78.0 3.5 2