I'm bored 2

Creator: Indigo Blue

Average Rating
8.4 / 10
Average Difficulty
41.4 / 100
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Adventure (8) Trap (3) Gimmick (5) Boss (2) Secrets (1) Long (3) unfinished (3)


  • by Natsu
  • by Anonymous
  • by Natsu
  • by Natsu
  • by Natsu
  • by Natsu
  • by Anonymous
  • by Natsu
  • by Natsu
  • by Anonymous
  • by Natsu

14 Reviews:

One of my favourites from the Kayin forums days that sadly seems to have gone unloved as time went on. Well, it's not completely unheard of or anything, but I don't think that it's as known as it should be. It's a great adventure, and while it is unfinished, that should not deter anyone from giving it a try. The content it has is substantial and varied. It's definitely charming.

The stages try to keep things interesting with plenty of gimmicks and traps to interact with, every single screen has a different thing going on which isn't something you see much nowadays. Perhaps it's fallen out of fashion, but I honestly really appreciate this kind of design, I'd love to see more like this. Video-game references and silly gags are casually thrown around as the game feels, it's fun.

The presentation is very clean for a 2012 game, with a few broken animations and such marring it a bit, but it is easily overlooked when looking at. The bosses are all distinct and while they are mash heavy (a sign of the times) they're all fun and easy to wrap your head around. The final boss as of the demo kind of sucks, so I can't blame you if you stop there, it's probably the only part of this game I don't really like.

This game's a little rough around the edges but I can certainly forgive it for the time it was made, and the whole experience is fun and quite frankly it's a very enjoyable blast from the past. Some of the jokes are very dated (sometimes questionable) and will go over people's heads nowadays but the content is enjoyable regardless.

Highly recommend you give it a shot at least! I'd certainly consider it a diamond in the rough.

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Tagged as: Adventure
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 44 44
Sep 3, 2022
An amazing game that is sadly unfinished.
Sure there are a few grips with the game from the vine jumping working weirdly to the bosses being unfair sometimes, but this game is overall good and quite the long one.
Try it out to experience what is inside the game.

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Tagged as: Adventure Trap Gimmick Long unfinished
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 45 45
Aug 7, 2022
Consistently interesting and rather charming. For an unfinished game, it's surprisingly long. My gripes are mostly QoL issues like a couple cycles and some technical curiosities like a boss seemingly not being possible if I quick killed its earlier phase.
Recommended for the exploration and variety it manages to pull off.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 45 45
May 21, 2021
Absoulely amazing adventure game. Almost perfect for me.
Remember this was made in 2012, and the bosses, the platforming, the gimmicks and the effects are impressive.
Also has a chill difficult, probably recommended for beginners.
There's only few traps and when then they are mostly great.
There was 1 room in the "final" area before the demo ends which is a laser puzzle room, which was kinda weird because it's kinda cryptic, but yeah not a big deal.
Too bad this is unfinished.

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 9.8 98       Difficulty: 40 40
Nov 23, 2020
Hidden gem. Great game, final boss that was in is kinda bullshit though. Unfortunate that it will never be finished, but for the most part what's there is great.

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 45 45
Mar 14, 2019