11 Reviews:
A x_floor game that no is bad but is very boring.
Tagged as: x_Floor
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Rating: 4.0 40
Difficulty: 27 27
Oct 21, 2023
This is up there as one of, if not the worst 100 floor game on this website, nothing is original about it whatsoever. All jumps are generic and there are secrets which you can collect throughout which serve no purpose other than writing out the name of the games from each letter you collect, though the letters you collect are so easy that plus the fact they do nothing in the long run, you might as well just skip them. It's bad. Don't play it.
Tagged as: 100_Floor
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Rating: 1.0 10
Difficulty: 10 10
Aug 4, 2016
Rating includes items (I wouldn't really call them 'secrets', they're too visible for that).
Nice musics and some of the water screens are decently designed. Other than that...Generic visuals, not a single memorable floor, unbalanced difficulty curve and the floors are designed in a way to make your journey as lenghty as possible. Choke jumps, slow and poorly placed platforms, triggers are placed as far away from you as possible and the list goes on. I would give it a higher rating, but it seems to be boring on purpose. Wouldn't recommend.
Nice musics and some of the water screens are decently designed. Other than that...Generic visuals, not a single memorable floor, unbalanced difficulty curve and the floors are designed in a way to make your journey as lenghty as possible. Choke jumps, slow and poorly placed platforms, triggers are placed as far away from you as possible and the list goes on. I would give it a higher rating, but it seems to be boring on purpose. Wouldn't recommend.
Tagged as: x_Floor
[0] Likes
Rating: 1.5 15
Difficulty: 30 30
Sep 5, 2015